sharp 80 inch tv

This one?
bigboss said:
bigboss said:
So what's your question?

Is it big enough for my kitchen? :shifty:

Son_of_SJ is the best person to answer that! :grin:

Heh-heh! After getting it calibrated in July 2013, I'm now very fond of my much mailigned LG 60PZ950T television in the kitchen, though its black levels are still dodgy. However, it seemed big enough, at 60 inches when it first went into my 17' x 14' kitchen, but I was thinking only the other day that I wish it had a 70" big brother .... The only caveat with this 80" Sharp television is that I believe that it has EDGE-LED lighting, so I would worry about screen uniformity over such a big screen. You will remember that I started, and will soon revive, a thread including the even larger 90" version, but that monster has BACKLIT-LED lighting, so has very uniform screen illumination.


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