Selling a TV


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi im planning to sell my old samsung which is almost 3 years old so it isnt as modern or as featureful as most of the sets nowadays. I bought it 3 years ago for £650 and am now hoping to sell it and have already got a couple of takers for it as they trust i will give them a good price for it. However im just wondering what price you think I should charge for it as you cant find prices for it online anymore to use as a guidline? I hope to give those interested a really good deal (and sell it reasonably cheap) just to frankly get rid of it to clear some space. Any suggestions? Its got a 3000/1 contrast ratio and only one HDMI if that helps

Sadly, your TV is now only worth what someone will pay for it, no matter what it cost new! If you want to get some idea, I'd search a certain online auction site and then any other similar ones you can find.
No i dont think so. Im not trying to sell my tv though to anyone on these forums as iv already got someone for mine. I was just wondering how much my tv would be worth nowadays, as im unsure how much tvs depreciate in value over time. iI guess it is only worth what somene is willing to pay for it like sorreltiger mentioned but i was just trying to get a rough idea if possible of its worth


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