Seeking advice on replacement CDP for old(ish) system


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all

Just signed up to get some advice. After a good few years of not being settled. I’ve finally got a place and have dug up the hifi – which is quite old but has got me all enthused about listening to music again. However, a few things need attention.

The system is.
  • Pre-Amp: Rotel 971
  • Power Amps: 2 x Rote RB960
  • CDP: Arcam Alpha 8 (broken)
  • Record Deck: Projekt 1.5 (I think – not great, but at the time I needed a cheap deck to listen to vinyl)
  • Speakers: Tannoy Revolution 3
So the CDP is first port of call. I’m pretty certain the DAC is fritzed as the last time I used it I was able to use an external DAC and it worked – but it has been sat around in a box for 6 years or so.

My options as I see it:
  • Repair ~£140 – I’ve seen another thread with an 8SE where the opinion was the kit was old enough that the repair wasn’t economical sense.
  • Get a DAC – OK, so this could be good. I have a fair amount of digital music now, so it could be used for a digital music source also.
  • Buy a replacement
So the last. I’ve not quite got the freedom to spend that I had 15 year ago so a bargain would be good – either a good new player that would suit, or something second hand wouldn’t be out of the question.

I’ve not really been keep abreast of changes in kit – the previous thread I mentioned seemed to imply that a new ‘budget’ priced player would likely match the Alpha 8 sonically – is this true? I don’t really know where I stand with the system as whole to be honest. I always used to try and stick to the spending equal amount on amps, source and speakers – but how does advances in technology affect that.

Musically my tastes are quite broad. Listen to a lot of electronica and techno, but also pop music (quite electronic though), some blues, punk and rock/metal (usually quite stripped down and raw stuff).

Any suggestions about the above or the system in general – much appreciated.
Unusually for me I'm going to vote for a dac. If the transport in the cdp still works it'll do nicely with a dac and you've got the dac for other sources.
I probably missed it but I'm not seeing any figure for your budget.
a good used marantz cd-63 MKII K1 sig can be had for under £120

a Rotel RCD-965BX can be had for under £100

there are loads and am sure you will get many suggestions
Budget is tricky - I'd want to keep it to around £200-250...

But I don't know could go for more.
£200-£250 will most prob get you a 'reasonable' new or ex-demo cdp (if you prefer newer)
Rob, your system is still pretty decent and was quite a sort after set up back in the day. The R3 speakers and Rotel power amps still cut it even today's standard. Good luck with the hunt
Grobelaar:Hi all

Just signed up to get some advice. After a good few years of not being settled. I've finally got a place and have dug up the hifi - which is quite old but has got me all enthused about listening to music again. However, a few things need attention.

The system is.

  • Pre-Amp: Rotel 971
  • Power Amps: 2 x Rote RB960
  • CDP: Arcam Alpha 8 (broken)
  • Record Deck: Projekt 1.5 (I think - not great, but at the time I needed a cheap deck to listen to vinyl)
  • Speakers: Tannoy Revolution 3
So the CDP is first port of call. I'm pretty certain the DAC is fritzed as the last time I used it I was able to use an external DAC and it worked - but it has been sat around in a box for 6 years or so.

My options as I see it:

  • Repair ~£140 - I've seen another thread with an 8SE where the opinion was the kit was old enough that the repair wasn't economical sense.
  • Get a DAC - OK, so this could be good. I have a fair amount of digital music now, so it could be used for a digital music source also.
  • Buy a replacement

So the last. I've not quite got the freedom to spend that I had 15 year ago so a bargain would be good - either a good new player that would suit, or something second hand wouldn't be out of the question.

I've not really been keep abreast of changes in kit - the previous thread I mentioned seemed to imply that a new 'budget' priced player would likely match the Alpha 8 sonically - is this true? I don't really know where I stand with the system as whole to be honest. I always used to try and stick to the spending equal amount on amps, source and speakers - but how does advances in technology affect that.

Musically my tastes are quite broad. Listen to a lot of electronica and techno, but also pop music (quite electronic though), some blues, punk and rock/metal (usually quite stripped down and raw stuff).

Any suggestions about the above or the system in general - much appreciated.

I would edge towards a DAC also. However, if you like the Arcam sound you can pick up CD73T from ebay for about 200 notes. Traditionally, Arcam and Rotel marry well together.
thanks for the pointers. think I'm erring toward a replacement of some description. The DAC could be worth investigating - but the downside is I just remembered the Alpha 8 was starting to skip loads when it was last in use - so it might not be in that good nick full-stop... Maybe me and Arcam don't get on - the 8 was an insurance replacement for a 6 which got repairably damaged in a lightning strike.

one more thing a work colleague is trying to interest me in a Cairn FOG 1 (WITHOUT the upsampling upgrade).

Good player? Can't find much about it without the upgrade - any idea on 2nd hand value?


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