Second hand amp & speakers - budget £1 - 2,000. Where to start? Help!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'd like to buy my first "real" hifi and would appreciate some advice from experienced heads...

I want a system that can play the music I have stored on my computer (ripped from my cd's using EAC, to lossless FLAC). I've ordered a Squeezebox Duet to act as interface, and intend to pick up a Cambridge Audio Dacmagic to convert the digital files to analogue (the Duet has an optical pass-through).

So, I'm looking for an amplifier and speakers to work with that source set up.

I don't have a specific budget in mind for these two components, except the feeling that I'd probably baulk at spending much over £2000.

I've been demo'ing new speaker/amp combinations at local dealers and have a couple more booked tomorrow, but I'd like to also explore the idea of buying second hand kit.

I'd be perfectly happy to buy used equipment but there's a bewildering amount of it out there. I'm wondering if anyone might be able to suggest appropriate models, given my budget. Are there any great sounding classics that I should watch out for that offer exceptional sound/value, and would be a good place to start?

Also, my browsing has been mainly (and obviously) in the Ebay listings, are there any well regarded hifi forums or websites that have a reputable classified section?

I realise you probably need to know my listening prefereneces to offer advice, but I really can't tell yet. I've started demo'ing in the lower range of my budget, with a marantz PM6003 amp driving Wharfedale 10.1, Dali Lektor 2, KEF IQ5se, B&W 685 and Monitor Audio BR5's. Of those, I liked the B&W and MA's the best, they were head and shoulders above the others.

My next demo's will be of more expensive options and, as I listen to more, I hope to get a better idea of what will really suit me.

My music taste is broad, I like classic old punk, through to contemporary indie guitar, simple vocal and piano stuff and have been enjoying some classical stuff as I get older. Oh, and electronica from Massive Attack through Prodigy.

My room is 4m x 5m, quite sparsely furnished with hard floors, and only a big old sofa that's soft.

Actually, now that I've said all that, I'd be very grateful to hear suggestions for brand new equipment that might be suitable, as well as for used.

Decisions, decisions!

My personal plump would have to be:

Mission 752 Freedom or 753 Freedom- good tight 'Mission sound' works well with hard floors, perhaps consider also a thick rug.

Rotel RC971 / 2xRB971 pre-power combo, gutsy enough for most purposes. Bridge the power amps and use biwire runs to the speakers for best effect.

Should leave plenty of change if you need to upgrade cables or whatnot!

"But then I like that sort of thing..."

I think there is plenty of good second hand gear doing the rounds at the moment that would be a very good investment, unless you absolutely must have brand new!

With your room size to take into account I might suggest Roksan Kandy L111 integrated with Roksan power amp and, as you like them the B&W 685's. Throw in some decent stands and interconnects and you could still get this for just over a grand.
you have a really nice budget for 2nd hand gear including vintage/classic gear ...

my advice is take your time and research thoroughly before buying ... dont rush! ... you will get plenty of good advice on several forums ... use google and ask plenty questions
you could probably get the same amp and speakers as mine 2nd hand/exdem for 2k

you should definitely consider sticking a nice thick rug inbetween the speakers and your listening position, hard floors in a reflective room can ruin the sound of the best set-ups.
Thanks for the suggestions, I think the "don't rush" tip is probably most useful of all.

Will also look to find a rug or two to try and soften my listening room.


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