Search engines for home cinema kit

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2457
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Deleted member 2457


You know when you are looking for a piece of tech and you want to find the best possible price on the whole of the internet does anyone know any good ways of going about it?

On the gadget show the other night they said a really good one, but i forgot to write it down.

Any help and ideas will be great.


Deleted member 2457


Thanks Andrew, anyone have any personal favourite ones they always use, that throw up loads of results?



Hi Gel, hope your having a good weekend. Im sure the website was called Foundem

From past experience though, it seems that the same web sites appear on all the price comparison sites. If you check out reviews of the websites that show the best prices, they arent always the best for customer services.. All too often the comparison sites arent always updated to show the actual current price that you would find on the actual web site selling the product. The prices you find on Google searches arent always right either.

First find the online stores that sell the product your after and with the best reputations for service, preferably ones not too far from you. All you do is put the name of the store in google followed with the word review and see what folk say on forum about 'em.

Find yourself your top four or five favourite online stores and monitor the prices on their actual websites for a couple of weeks. You may be surprised to see how prices fluctuate. Prices go down and often back up again on a product. Set your self a target price for what you want to buy and bide your time. if you time it right you can save hundreds, if you time it wrong and miss what you wanted to buy... never mind.

I always think back to 2004 and my hankering to buy a Plasma telly... it would have cost the region of £4,000 or there abouts. I bought one last year for £600, so in in 5 years waiting I saved myself £3,400!! Thats just my way of looking at it.

Still, at the end of the day you can always choose the store you would prefer to buy from and haggle for the best price you have seen it going for.

Out of curiosity.. what is your upgradeitis troubling you to try and buy?

Regards, Pete

Deleted member 2457

Hi Pete, wow nice saving or your plasma there
Well soon i will need a new tv and i was watching the gadget show and the guy was raving about this comparsion website that actually shows the new prices of products and not what they might have been like 2 weeks ago and when ever i do searches i rarely get lots of results perhaps one or two old prices, so I was just wandering were people on here having more luck.

I will try out the one you recommended though thanks. I also like to keep an eye on really expensive pioneer stuff, a man can dream.


Deleted member 2457

slewis:Pricerunner is good for tv's not sure about home cinema though, have you tried froogle, that might be a better bet.

Cheer's mate both listed lots of comparison's.


Hi Gel, I guesse I should have known you were after something Pioneer, silly me. Any ways I just had a gander on the Gadget Show's web site to see if there was a reference to last weeks program and what your looking for. Couldnt find anything though. BUT they do use Kelkoo on their site for shopping

I'm guessing you have looked on that already?

do you ever look on the forums listed below?

http://www.another site/index.php , <---- that should be a link to other forums!!

the links below are ones I kept an eye on for a recent purchase

Do you find that Pioneer kit is less freely available in the UK Gel and also that reviews are also thin on the ground?



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Sep 16, 2009
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You know when you are looking for a piece of tech and you want to find the best possible price on the whole of the internet does anyone know any good ways of going about it?

On the gadget show the other night they said a really good one, but i forgot to write it down.

Any help and ideas will be great.


Hi gel, if you saw it on the gadget show the other night, then why not just watch it again on demand 5?


Deleted member 2457



You know when you are looking for a piece of tech and you want to find the best possible price on the whole of the internet does anyone know any good ways of going about it?

On the gadget show the other night they said a really good one, but i forgot to write it down.

Any help and ideas will be great.


Hi gel, if you saw it on the gadget show the other night, then why not just watch it again on demand 5?


Hi thanks for that i watched it and got it, it was I will have a look to see how good it is.

Cheer's for that

Deleted member 2457

Hi Pete,

Thanks alot for all that, that was brilliant.

Pioneer stuff, being available, it is pretty available it's just i am a little fussy and the bit's i want are hard to come by at the right price, as regards to the reviews yes i think some of there stuff is a little hard to get a review on but not blaming what hi fi or other people eg that is down to pioneer ie the pioneer sc-lx72 amp they never supplied them with one, that is pioneer's fault.

There was last year a big increase on pioneer products prices as well which has not helped, should be very interesting to hear what pioneer announce with there high end products this year to see where they are at.

Thanks for all your help
