I had been thinking for some time now about a TV upgrade having been living with a 42 inch Pioneer Plasma for the past 7 years or so, that was now looking rather small. Another reason to change was to simplify the connection process and remove a nightmare of cables behind the cabinet. Originally i was set on the latest Panasonic 65 inch plasma, the equivalent LED panels just not having the same wow factor for me. Having been reading the reviews and comments recently on UHDTV, i was begining to wonder what it was all about.To cut a long story short, the time came to buy a new TV, so a decision needed to be made. The Panasonic 65 inch Plasma or alternative. Looking at the various Sony, LG, Hitachi and Samsung UHDTV sets, it quickly became clear the future potential that was available with these TV'sOk, they all show 4K demo's in the store, but they looked fanatstic compared to the std HDTV's. Having looked at the various sets on offer, in my opinion the Samsung UE65F9000 was as good or better than any of the other panels. Could i differentiate between the LG, Sony and Samsung - No, but the Samsung looked the part with its attractive design and thin panel. The LG is thick, to accomadate the speaker bar, the Sony too wide, with its side speakers. Add in the fact that the Samsung was what they describe as future proofed, a 25% discount off the list price and a free Airtrack F-551 thrown in, it was a no brainer. Installed yesterday and blown away by just how good it is. The realism and clarity of the picture with HD broadcasts and Bluray is stunning.So it cost a little more than the 65 inch plasma, and even closer in price to the top of the range 65 inch HD LED TV's from LG, Samsung etc. but i am ready for when 4K broadcasts and discs are avilable. I keep my TV's for 7-10 years so made sense to pay the little bit extra rather than buying a current HD set, knowing that i might need to change it quicker when 4K content becomes more available. The review says that the picture is not as good as a std HD TV with standard DVD's, well only having purchased bluray discs for the past years and all my broadcast programs being in HD, i can live with that. Other than that, a stunning TV