Samsung LE46M86 suddenly gone faulty- multicoloured vertical lines


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Been fine since I got it last March. None of the issues I've been reading about today from other owners. Suddenly when I switched on this morning all I got was a screen full of various coloured pinstripes. It then goes to standby, then tries to switch itself on again, and repeats. I've unplugged all signal cables, and disconnected the mains for a few hours but to no avail. I was wondering if there is some kind of 'hard reboot' i could do but haven't been able to find anything on t'interweb. Thought it could be to do with a new AVR, but sounds unlikely that  it could cause such catastrophic failure. Since hearing loads of horror stories about Samsung's reliability/bugs etc, I wonder if I should gun for a different model to replace. I know being so old (the set, not me) this is unlikely, but if I could try, what's the best 46 incher to plumb for?
Its still under guarantee, better phone them up and get them out to fix it.

Bet they will replace the screen under warranty, had the same occur with mine with only 2 weeks to go before the 12 mths were up!

Replaced it with a mark 4 version, hopefully they have fixed the problem as it is a cracking picture.
It's a dead 'un - get it swapped out...


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