Samsung LE40A558 or LE40A656


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May 5, 2008
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I'm looking to buy a new LCD TV in the next week or two. I've had my heart set on a Toshiba 40XF355D for the last couple of months, and prices have dropped recently. But then I read the review of the LE40A656 from Samsung and was immediately tempted. I have a Samsung 32" LCD now, which has served me well.

However, the 40A656 is still slightly pricey at the moment. So I've been looking at the cheaper 40A558, but no one has reviewed it yet. I want a 1080p/24 set to take full advantage of Blu-ray (via PS3) and less so HD-DVD (HD-EP30). Other than that, I upscale standard DVD via the PS3 and have Sky+.

Has any one bought a 40A558? Is it any good? Or when will it be reviewed by What Hi-Fi?

Given the choice, Is it worth paying the extra money for the 40A656, or is the Toshiba still a better buy. Or do I hold on another month to see if the more pricier set drops in price (as it will inevitably do).

There is also the Sony 40W3000 to consider. I've just seen this at my local Sony Centre, and was tempted. They offered me the TV for £1200 with 5 years warranty. Slightly more than it is available online, but the peace of mind of dealing with a local shop may be worth the premium.

Both Samsungs are available from John Lewis also with free 5 year Warranty & delivery.

Thanks for any advice.


I have the same problem, as you can see in post above. There is no doubting the spec and looks of the A656 but it is quite a bit more than the A558.

The W3000 also tempted me but a bit too expensive. I had considered waiting until the W4000 comes out as i guess it will do in a month or so. That should mean the 3000 should come down in price.

The Samsungs in my opinion tho look the best in terms of design. Sony while probably technically excellent often just look like black/grey lumps.

Andy Clough

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Apr 27, 2004
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[quote user="djm25"]Has any one bought a 40A558? Is it any good? Or when will it be reviewed by What Hi-Fi?[/quote]

Don't know if that model's in the review pipeline yet, but I'll have a word with the team when I'm back in the office tomorrow and find out.


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