Sorry to say, as soon as I read the 'analogue only' comment, it was as your reviewer suggested - the deal-breaker.
Why amplifiers of any level fail to provide digital connections as we move into the 2nd quarter of the 21stC is something I don't understand. Bizzarely, connections for a mid-20C device, the turntable, are sometimes featured instead of digital.
Good luck and listening to the Golden Ears brigade and their needles scraping along a wiggly groove in plastic. I saw a news item that spending on music has taken an up-tick - overwhelmingly streamed.
If Rotel has passed on digital connections to save money, they've made a basic marketing error that flies in the face of how music is delivered to the vast majority of listeners now. There can't be any legitimate technical reason.
It is, indeed - quote: "the last thing anyone needs" - an amp stuck in the pre-digital era