Richer sounds Cambridge audio dock

if its this one, then i bought it and yeah its fine. i dont expect hifi quality from my ipod. music on the go with all its back ground noise intruding etc only gets recorded at 192kbps ish. i would say though that since using this i often have to go into mac's disc repair and fix it as it seems to somehow screw with the ipod:[*]'this ipod has been synced with another itunes' [*]err no, it hasn't [/list]'error 42 (i think) cant manually sync ipod'if your ipod doesnt get updated regularly (i used to only buy vinyl for the past year so little new stuff got put on) then its fine otherwise i would suggest elsewhere. also it doesn't come with the headphone jack to 2 x phono jacks so you'll need them too.


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