My Viao has cxrashed 7-8 time this evening, sometimes within a few minutes of rebooting, somtimes a couple of hours.
I've run malware on it, disabled as many non essential programmes as I can, checked the core temps which all look ok, so have no idea what's causing it. The only programme I have recently installed was the NAD ASIO USB driver on Friday lunchtime. This is the first time it's happened.
It's a quad core i7 running Windows 7 home premium 64 bit
I've run malware on it, disabled as many non essential programmes as I can, checked the core temps which all look ok, so have no idea what's causing it. The only programme I have recently installed was the NAD ASIO USB driver on Friday lunchtime. This is the first time it's happened.
It's a quad core i7 running Windows 7 home premium 64 bit