Repair or replace


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Aug 10, 2019
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I have an old Panasonic TX-W32R4DP that I have had for over 10 years and have always been happy with and it has never broken down.
My wife went of a big cleaning spree last week and tried to get behind it to clean, she moved it over the weight went and it sailed over the edge of the unit and crashed on to the fireplace.
There is a chunk out of the plastic casing one of the speaker grilles is damaged and there is a dent on the side. Now the red light turns on when it has power but nothing else there seems to be a lot rattling around inside.
It is covered by insurance so no real drama either way but are they likely to replace or repair.
Are parts easy enough to get for this tv / i may have had it nearer to 15 years ?


They'll offer money or a voucher for a new TV in all likelyhood but each insurer varies in their approach. Have you got new for old cover?

John Duncan

Well-known member
Replace. it would cost 75 quid for it to be looked at, plus 40 quid an hour to fix. If your insurer will give you a new one, just try to persuade them to either a) choose the model you want within their budget or b) give you the money towards something else, both of which can be tricky.


Definitely replace it. Most policies give new for old. You should get the latest 32" model.

If your policy does not cover this, request the original purchase price and put towards a nice new one.


Out of choice I will have a replacement but I was wondering if they may attempt to repair


So I am guessing that if they decide to replace they will try to replace with a new 32 inch. I would obviously like to get the best deal I can and really want to move up to a 40".

Although if they replaced mine with a new 32" it would be great, how does the specification compare to when I bought mine in about 1997. I am thinking that in 1997 my 32" was probably a "big" tv with good spec and they did not come that much bigger.

Is there any link I can go to to find prices back in 97 ?


I'm in the process of claiming against the household insurance on a Panasonic Quintrix 28" CRT, can't remember the model number. In my case it was collected with other property and disposed of by a contractor. At the time of claiming I expected an electrical engineer to test all the electrical items but in the end the insurers just arranged a company to catalgoue and dispose of everything big and heavy.

It now appears that they want me to produce a quote for a replacement set. As some of my items like the projector screen and my 5.1 set up aren't available in the retailers they have an arrangement with, and my set has been replaced many times over by Panasonic in their range they will be sending me a cheque for me to buy whatever set and 5.1 set up I want up to the value of the settlement.

Taken them 2 months so far though.


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