Loads? Thanks, but that's just two, one of which is already mentioned above. I've actually looked thoroughly and haven't found 'loads', which is why I'm asking here. Can you in fact name any more of the 'loads' that you refer to? I'd find it very helpful. There are many that look like clamps and are sold as such, but which are in fact weights. These include one that's sold under various brand names including Vinyltonic that looks like a Michell clone right down to the knurled knob, but the knob's just a handle - it's just a weight.Project Clamp It, Tonar Record Clamp Misty....
Loads out there if you look.
Suggest a simple Google search?Loads? Thanks, but that's just two, one of which is already mentioned above. I've actually looked thoroughly and haven't found 'loads', which is why I'm asking here. Can you in fact name any more of the 'loads' that you refer to? I'd find it very helpful. There are many that look like clamps and are sold as such, but which are in fact weights. These include one that's sold under various brand names including Vinyltonic that looks like a Michell clone right down to the knurled knob, but the knob's just a handle - it's just a weight.
1. Yes, I have searched repeatedly, using several engines. Google isn't infallible.Suggest a simple Google search?
If you cannot find them what makes you think anyone on this forum can?
Add Clearaudio Clever clamp
You only need to buy one as they all do the same thing.
Most will be Michell clones as there aren't a lot of other ways to design one.
Buy a Michell clamp and get on with listening.....
It will be interesting to see your product when it is eventually created.1. Yes, I have searched repeatedly, using several engines. Google isn't infallible.
2. Because I never assume there's no-one out there who knows more than I do. And you yourself said that there were 'loads' out there, so that knowledge can be shared, can it not?
3. I mention the Clever Clamp in my original post, oddly enough. As it happens, it isn't very good, as it wears loose very quickly and its actual clamping action is minimal as the entire force has to be directed through a single thin raised flange on the base.
4. I partly work in product design. I'm working on what I hope will be a better version, so I need to research and acquire as many existing models as possible. Even the Michell has shortcomings, not least of which is that they have to make it in two variants to accommodate different spindle designs.
5. See 4.
6. I bought one when they first came out. I'm never happier than when I'm listening to or playing music, but that's irrelevant here, isn't it?
I'm sure you're right - I use weights myself on turntables with good torque. This project is a very recent undertaking and lots of stuff fails at the design stage. This idea certainly might, but I'd rather see that happen than have it fail in the marketplace. Thanks for your interest.It will be interesting to see your product when it is eventually created.
However, I assume many people prefer the weighted designs if their turntables can accommodate them.
Quite so. Although I have owned a Michell clamp when I had a Michell turntable and my current deck comes with on designed for it, they are not ideal.I have had several clamps and weights and frankly I don't use any of them. I've not heard any difference when playing my records with or without a clamp/weight. Certainly Rega recommends not using them...
Perhaps there may be some benefit if the record is badly warped (and none of mine are) but even then I'd have my doubts...