Receiver recommendations


New member
Aug 10, 2019
For whatit's worth I like Yamaha - I've always had one and now it's time to upgrade toa current model.

My localRicher Sounds has a RX-V1065 and a RX-V667 each for£450.

Which is the better buy?

For pure sound quality, I would opt for the 1065. However, if 3D is something of particular interest to you either now or for the foreseeable future, then it would have to be the 667.

Hmmmm..... 3D. Novelty, I think. I'll pass on that capability.

What do I need?

Sound quality. Yes. Build. Yes.

5.1 analogue in (SACD). Yes.

4 HDMI (HD-DVD, BD, SACD multi-region DVD, V box) minimum.

Great cinema sound. Good music. Yes. In that order.

1080p upscaling for my V-box. Yes.

I have a small is Victorian room dedicated to my home cinema setup and my silver Kef pods. I don't need huge wattage.

Is it still the 1065.
I've had my 1065 about a year now - very pleased with it but still haven't really worked out how to get the best from it... You can't go wrong for that money...
I'm actually erring on the side of the RXV667. I would double check the specs if I were you and see if the RXV667 gives you anything you need over the RXV1065. Many changed have been made to the new range, and many will find the newer amps easier to use, and be a little more full featured than the outgoing range.


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