Question about Arcam combo


New member
May 7, 2017

I would love to hear all of your opinions on a Arcam A70 with an added P75 amp.

I can buy these used.

Many thanks for your input.
I had the A70 on home dem a few years ago and compared to my A65+ the A70 sounded quite gutless. However, if you add a power amp that will improve midrange and LF definition. That said, if it were my money, I would be looking at a A85. The performance is better IMHO than a A70 + power amp...

Or if you can 'up' your budget, look at a s/hand A38
I don't think you should bother with the matching power amp...I had the a85/p85 combo and the p85 didn't really bring much to the party.Not even second hand is it worth the money.I'd move on to a better integrated or proper pre power combo. and always keep the phono stage a separate unit,preferably with mm and mc option it gives you more choice with cartridges in the future.
The problem is if you're getting the Diva range and not getting A85 you will be missing out. I had the A75+ and it was a completely different amp to A85. The difference I can only discribe as staggering. You would not tell by the sound that they came from the same manufacturer nevermind same product line. Yes the phono stage was very good but I'd rather get the A85 and buy a separate phono stage. This would also be a likely cheaper solution than the one you're asking about.
plastic penguin said:
I had the A70 on home dem a few years ago and compared to my A65+ the A70 sounded quite gutless. However, if you add a power amp that will improve midrange and LF definition. That said, if it were my money, I would be looking at a A85. The performance is better IMHO than a A70 + power amp...

Or if you can 'up' your budget, look at a s/hand A38

Thanks for the reply.

I looked at the A85 but it lacks a phonostage. And I need that with over 1000 albums in my vinyl collection. And the A38 didn't get a really good review here, so I'm not sure about that one.
On a Dutch site I stumbled on a A32, used. The guy is asking Eur. 600,-. What about that one? I read some excellent reviews about this model.
think I narrowed it down to a A28 or A32.

They get awesome reviews and have a phonostage on board.

Currently checking out a Dutch 2nd hand site and keeping track of Arcam offerings.
TheMaestro said:
plastic penguin said:
I had the A70 on home dem a few years ago and compared to my A65+ the A70 sounded quite gutless. However, if you add a power amp that will improve midrange and LF definition. That said, if it were my money, I would be looking at a A85. The performance is better IMHO than a A70 + power amp...

Or if you can 'up' your budget, look at a s/hand A38

Thanks for the reply.

I looked at the A85 but it lacks a phonostage. And I need that with over 1000 albums in my vinyl collection. And the A38 didn't get a really good review here, so I'm not sure about that one.

imo the A38 isn't as bad as the whf review makes it out to be. Depends a lot on partnering kit and tastes (like everything else). Sounded very good to me with Focal Aria 906. It can be polite at times, but not to a degree that Wharfedale Reva 2 speakers sounded to me, for instance - I mean it's not a deal-braker, and if you can find a good deal on one, might be worth taking the punt.
Found a great deal on the Arcam Solo [ old model ] on a Dutch auction site. It lacks a phonostage but this could be added afterwards. I would like to know how you guys feel about the difference in quality compared to the A28 and A32. Tuner an CD player is a bonus for me.

Thanks for any input here.
TheMaestro said:
Found a great deal on the Arcam Solo [ old model ] on a Dutch auction site. It lacks a phonostage but this could be added afterwards. I would like to know how you guys feel about the difference in quality compared to the A28 and A32. Tuner an CD player is a bonus for me.

Thanks for any input here.

Anyone please, thanks!


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