Purple Flare vs Chord Signature


New member
Mar 16, 2011
My current setup is AudioLab MDAC -> Plinius 9200 -> Spendor A6

I am currently using VDH D102mk3 interconnects but might get changed also

I would like to know which cable will be better and I cannot audition them. I like a precise and revealing sound without being too bright. Think Cyrus

Nordost Purple Flair vs Chord Signature

Budget is around 300-350 GBP if there are other reccommendations. Should I spend more than this to get the best out of my system?????

Thanks for your opinion
I Have the original Chord Signature now and have owned Nordost SPM - very high end (their original reference cable) older cable from them similar cost £500 1/2 metre and blue heaven - interconnects

You will struggle to get a Signature brand new for your budget - the Signet is the old signature cable config and the signature plus has a new config but is approx £600 so you may want to look at the Signet.

The Chord Signature original (signet now) is a stunning cable, I feel it just lets your system properly through without adding or more importantly taking away, changing anything. I say this because as I have changed my system components the sound has always changed and I have tried the cable in other systems friends etc that are similar to mine and it sounded different again. There has not been the similar characteristic to the sound that you will get with lesser / other cables if that makes sense, where the sound is shaped in a certain way i.e. good bass, narrow sound stage, compressed mids

With Nordost SPM and blue heaven that wasnt 100% the case - both very good cables. Blue Heaven sounded like a scaled down version of the SPM - lacking bass and general weight but very airy clean sound - this type of sound you might like. The SPM was very full on, big and bold with excellent bass, excellent mids, much better cable than a Chord Chorus for example, very airy sound but lacked the focus, realism and cleaness of the Chord Signature. The Chord Signature had all the positive traits of the Nordost SPM

I have not heard the purple flair but it seems to come into their range between Blue Heaven and Red Dawn, I would say the original Chord Signature or current Chord Signet would outperform it if it outperforms an albeit older but higher end cable in the SPM (£1000 a metre new) I have never found the Signature to sound too bright, I did at times with Nordost cables - I was running the Nordost with Russ Andrews 8TC - copper cable, then QED Revelation speaker cables, that balanced better I thought. Russ Andrews is a clinical sound - again you might liek this as it reminds me of the Cyrus CD Player I owned CD6S

I also think to get the best of Nordost you need to use their speaker wire as well - then again that is what all manufacturers say 🙂 I now run Chord Sig Interconnects with Chord Epic Speaker Cable - I think this works extremely well

If you meant speaker wires by your question please ignore my comments - they were all based on my interconnects experience
Uh oh, a cable thread.
I've got an idea, let's get all the arguing over in one post!

The Anti Cable Brigade: "Don't waste your hard-earned on 'Emperor's New Clothes' cables. Basic laws of physics prove they make no difference. Therefore you won't hear any difference other than a placebic one."

The Pro Cable Brigade: "What utter rubbish. Of course there's a difference. Just because you personally can't hear the difference doesn't mean it's not there for someone who can. Who cares what science says, I listen with my eyes not with a multimeter."

There you go. I've got it all over with in one post.
Wow, purple flares and cords...are we back in the 70's?

However. I think you need to audition. But get some cheap generic cable too as a control. If you hear a difference and you feel flush, go for it by all means.

Personally I can't tell the difference between ANY cables that are suitable for the job.
It is speaker cable I m looking for.

Yea, I thought I could get the Signature at Futureshop for 300GBP but it turns out that was for 1 cable and not the pair!

The Purple Flare is 370 for 3M pair.

I cant find the Ecosse MS2.4 anywhere, everyone only seems to be selling the MS2.3

Any other suggestions or advice? I m currently selling the QED XT-400 which is a bit aggressive but I like the general sound, and I m using Madison Audio Lab E3 Extreme1 Speaker cable, its meant to cost 1000USD but its sounds really messy. So I m back to square one. As I live in Hong Kong, I need to mail order it.
My advice then is get some Chord Odyssey - used it possible and give that a try - that will give you a very good indicator if you like the Chord sound.

Thats what i first heard from Chord in comparison to quite a few other cables that I have owned, some considerably more ££.

It was better to me than QED Revelation which is very good BTW and Russ Andrews 8TC. Russ Andrews 4TC is very popular, might be worth considering as an alternative.

However I would still get some Chord Odyssey 2 - its well within your budget, especially a used pair but with really good performance - if you like it, maybe consider the Epic at higher cost - its the same cable but with a 5 layer screen rather a 2 layer and it is better, but might cost you too much if you dont like it. You can then sell on the Odyssey - its very popular and sells well used.

I have seen people using Odyssey 2 with very high end systems B&W 802 level systems, very high end - its really good stuff.

Chord use thick silver plater copper, twisted to reduce rfi, rather than lots of thin wires woven or whatever - to me thats why the sound different / better - never bright / harsh unlike others

Unpublished by mods - duplicate post
My advice then is get some Chord Odyssey - used it possible and give that a try - that will give you a very good indicator if you like the Chord sound.

Thats what i first heard from Chord in comparison to quite a few other cables that I have owned, some considerably more ££.

It was better to me than QED Revelation which is very good BTW and Russ Andrews 8TC. Russ Andrews 4TC is very popular, might be worth considering as an alternative.

However I would still get some Chord Odyssey 2 - its well within your budget, especially a used pair but with really good performance - if you like it, maybe consider the Epic at higher cost - its the same cable but with a 5 layer screen rather a 2 layer and it is better, but might cost you too much if you dont like it. You can then sell on the Odyssey - its very popular and sells well used.

I have seen people using Odyssey 2 with very high end systems B&W 802 level systems, very high end - its really good stuff.

Chord use thick silver plater copper, twisted to reduce rfi, rather than lots of thin wires woven or whatever - to me thats why the sound different / better - never bright / harsh unlike others

Bewarned though with high end kit and using good qaulity cables it does show up sbiliance in recordings and stuff - that just how it is, buy if your source is good enough you should get sweet treble
Hi chasefrench

I'll recommend using standard 79 strand OFC or at a push 500 strand OFC speaker cables as i feel these will be more then good enough for your components. Fwiw, i also use these standard speaker cables with Plinius amplification such as the Hiato, Odean, etc. with excellent results.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Hi chasefrench

I'll recommend using standard 79 strand OFC or at a push 500 strand OFC speaker cables as i feel these will be more then good enough for your components. Fwiw, i also use these standard speaker cables with Plinius amplification such as the Hiato, Odean, etc. with excellent results.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

What he said. I use 400-strand multistrand cable and previously 322-strand. Both were excellent and easily the equal of Audioquest Type IV. 10 metres of which is sitting unused in my room just now.
I’ve just fitted brand new Chord Signatures 2m in length. (It’s an old wife’s tale that they have to 2.5 / 3m long)

System: Roksan Radius c/w Reson Reca cartridge, Rega Saturn, PURE 701 ES, Triangle Quartet Speakers (just getting run in), Rega Cursa 3 Pre-Amp and 2 x Exon 3 Mono Blocks.

All interconnects Rega They sit in a Full Stands Unique Sound Tower.

I replaced the Atlas Hyper Cable 3.0, with the Chords, speaker’s cold, amps kept on 24/7.

I put the Waterboys CD A Pagan Place on and just as I pressed play the music appeared over my head and sitting nearly in the middle of the room.

Wow, the music is better separated, thus soundstaging is larger, the instruments linger longer with more detail.

I listen to Planet Rock all the time on my Pure 701ES, now it sounds the absolute dogs nads ( a £250 Tuner turned into extermely acceptable)

The turntable and CD player have had new life breathed on them.

Best thing I ever did for my Hi-Fi, if somebody says expensive cables make no difference, they need to put down the glass crack pipe...

Thanks The Chord Company :cheers:
In the end I bought the chord signature, 2 x 3m for 430, and it is one of the best hi fi purchases I have ever made, completely bettered the system in every way
I don't know what that means. "Completely" "bettered" the system in "every way". So was your system "completely" "lacking" in "every way" before?
I use to use QED XT-400 and the sound was just better. More enjoyable, everyone in my house commented on what had changed without knowing.

I have Audiolab M-DAC, Plinius 9200 and Spendor A6


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