PS3blu-ray player or should i think about buy a Blu-ray player


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Aug 10, 2019
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I was wondering what people think about the PS3 blu-ray player.. I use my PS3 to play my blu-ray dvds but as the prices have come down on blu-ray players do you think its worth buying a player.. ? If you do think i should get 1 what do people reckon i should look at...


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Jul 31, 2008
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have a look at the panasonic bd 35 , it,s on amazon for the price of £162 with a free bd disc, same position as you with ps3, not regreted getting the bd 35 yet, but don't expect a massive improvement over the ps3


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Aug 27, 2008
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Really matters if your going to bother using the rest of the PS3 or not.

It also upscales avi files etc pretty well. You can browse the net etc. It even plays games ya knows

Personally I convert hidef mkv files to work on the PS3 and they look glorious (can be played off the hard drive or simply off a burned dvd)

I have one and found it works far better once using a mains conditioner and a decent mains cable. Once connected in this way the sound and picture cant be faulted (Especially for, what is essentially a games machine)

If ALL you want is a dvd/blu ray player then you may as well go for a slightly cheaper alternative


I looked at upgrading my PS3 to a Blu Ray player, but for the money I was willing to spend it wasn't really going to give me any noticable improvements for my TV, so saved the money instead. Personally I'd leave it for a bit.


Thanks for your replies people... Im only asking the question really because i do play on my ps3 quite a bit so i just wanna give it a bit of a rest lol Are blu-ray players alot better than the ps3 or doesnt it make to much differene in picture and sound quality? Alienrik... which pioneer player you on about?


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Nov 15, 2008
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I would recommend a demo of any prospective player purchase so that you can appreciate any apparent differences in sound or audio quality for yourself. There are some downsides with using the PS3 as a BD player e.g. optional (non backlight) remote and some people report noisy fans and so on but for me the positives far outweigh the negatives and I've stuck with my PS3 for BD playback since I bought it at launch. The current budget-mid priced players don't offer a significant enough increase in performance for me and perhaps once the profile nonsense settles down, I will consider a stand alone player.
The main difference you'll notice with a dedicated blu-ray player over the PS3, is the audio quality. It is miles better than the PS3, which decodes audio only 'in house'. So if you're happy with the audio performance of your PS3, don't bother buying a blu-ray player. You will have to compare the audio quality from a PS3 & a blu-ray player from your current speakers to check if the difference is worth to spend the extra money on.


I myself think the PS3 is a fine machine, it is versatile and does everything well.
I found a significant improvement with it when I plugged it into a Tacima 929, and the same again when I fed it through a Mains Conditioning Unit.

The only downside it has with Blue ray is that it won't 'Bitstream' to the Amp in the latest formats. The processing in AV amps is usually better.


thanks for your replies people... so really i need to spend around £500 to get a better picture but any blu-ray player should give me better sound quality? my denon avr 1909 can decode true hd and dts hd so how should i have my ps3 setup?


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