problem with my DVDP to DAC


New member
Dec 25, 2009
I have recently bought a Toshiba sd5010kb dVD player and have failed miserably to connect it properly to my HIFI

i currently have two audio phono leads conneted to my amp Musical Fedelity M6I and I am getting sound from one speaker

if I connect a coax from the digital out to my dac (Chord QDB 7) I cant get the dac to lock on to the coax input

I guess it is something pretty stupid but it has beaten me. Thanks in anticiption,

I you can guess I am more into hifi than TV so be gentle, but thanks in anticipation

Hi millerman

I am not sure why you're getting sound through only one channel when using analogue outputs from the Toshiba DVD player. Anyway you should get much better performance by using the QBD76 do the D-A-C (particularly when using the four second buffer).

Please ensure the digital output is set to ON (in the on screen display ) and that PCM is also selected.

For further information refer to pages 17, 18, 19 and 25 in the instruction manual.

I hope this helps.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Very kind of you to post; I have tried connecting into the dac as you say and although the dac goes through its sequence including "lock" it then immediately reverts back to the "coax" signal. I dont understnad why.

Interms of the single channel thing - it defies logic. I wonder if there is a channel down in the DVDp
Hi millerman

If digital out is set to ON and to PCM then the QBD76 should stay locked. Does the C542 remain locked in with the QBD76?

I'll look into this further and get back to you later on.

BTW, it sounds like there is an issue with one of the analogue outputs on the DVD player although if you have not already done so then also try a different cable as well.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Hi millerman

I've looked into this further. There could be an impedance mismatch with the digital cable. Please also try a different cable and one which ideally 75ohm.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Many thanks for your research on this, much appreciated

I have changed cables as you suggest and like you I guess there is an issue with one channel. On another point mostly related to the QBD; I bought a new dvd player because the techniques dvd player I already had (but hardly used) makes a clicking noise when I connect the digital output to the DAC. I thought it was probably a dvd player fault hence buying a new one, however, I have conncected the QBD to my blueray player (panasonic) and I get the same clicking noise when conected to the QBD. I am at a loss to understand this. could it be a QBD fault?
MIllerman - Rick's advice about ensuring the DVD player digital output is set to deliver 'PCM' is key - there will be an option in the DVD player audio settings. This will make the DVD player convert any dolby digital or dts data into uncompressed PCM format (i.e. raw digital data like on a CD), which is what an external DAC typically needs to receive.

Can you confirm if you've checked this?

I had to recheck this but I can confirm that I have tried it with PCM on and off. When the PCM is off there is no sound, when it is on there is a constant clicking noise, and this is from two differnent DVD players.


The coax cable was a Black Rhodium mega expensive thing (that you dont believe in) (its on a test) so I would suspect that the coax is OK.

Its just odd that the DAC works perfectly with a CD player and not with a DVD.


Its just odd that the DAC works perfectly with a CD player and not with a DVD.


what audio track are you sending to the DAC. Dacs generally can only handle stereo. if you are sending a multi track signal then you will get nothing.

also check what your digital out is set to.
Hi milerman

Is the coaxial cable terminated with a BNC connector or are you using a BNC adaptor?

Does the QBD76 at all show it has locked on to 44.1kHz?

If your dvd/blu ray players have optical out then please also try this connection with the QBD76.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

The cable is terminated with a BNC adaptor.

QBD locks on at 44.1 only with the optical connector. When it is conncected to the coax the QBD goes through the sequence locks and then immediatly reverts back to 'coax'


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