ProAc Response D Two. perfect amp to match?

if you can stretch to another 300 quid, you should try to hear an atc sia 2-150. sensational amp and brilliant value.
Craig M.:

if you can stretch to another 300 quid, you should try to hear an atc sia 2-150. sensational amp and brilliant value.

Hi Craig M.

Spot on. ATC inspires confidence.

Thanks for your support.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
what about plinius 9100 (opened demo cutprice), primare i30, sugden a21 (some used ones i find now and then), hegel h1 (offer price) to mention but a few under the 2000 limit? i lean towards hegel h1 mk4.... but not 100% sure yet.

you think i should upgrade from roksan k2 to one of these ? or not ?

oh, and some thought to upgrade entry level atlas equator mk2 to atlas titan interconnect ? what you think?
In the past I've always found Sugden to be a great match, and in many ways, ATC's own integrated amplifier will also match due to similar sound aspects. I know ProAc used Primare for a short while to demonstrate their speakers at shows, but I was never totally convinced of this pairing.

Another great match would be Naim Audio's 152xs/155xs pre power combination, which is a fantastic pre/power for the money, with great upgrade potential. ProAc has been a very popular choice among our Naim buyers/owners over the years, especially recently.

Both of these will certainly get far more from your D2's than your current amplifier. You'll think you have a different speaker on your hands!
Indietronic....From what I read another good match seems to be the densen beat 130 integrated and the densen preamp/power combos


In the past I've always found Sugden to be a great match, and in many ways, ATC's own integrated amplifier will also match due to similar sound aspects. I know ProAc used Primare for a short while to demonstrate their speakers at shows, but I was never totally convinced of this pairing.

Frank, Does the ATC integrated amplifier allow an "HT BYPASS". I`m also intersted in the proac response d2.
It's David

I'm afraid ATC are very much a 2 channel company when it comes to electronics! They don't have a HT bypass, but setting the volume control at halfway is the way most people do it - you just need to make sure it's at the same point to get the levels right.
Yep, but all the Naim range - integrated and pre-amps have HT Bypass 🙂 and as far as i know 🙂 Naim + Proac is a great match

David, what happened with the atc/naim test 🙂
I managed to get half an hour listening to the CA2/P1 combo on Christmas Eve, but other than comparing it to a £350 budget amplifier, I didn't get a chance to try it against the Naim, but will do as soon as I can!
It is my understanding that you should contact the manufacturer and seek a recommendation

Yep, but all the Naim range - integrated and pre-amps have HT Bypass 🙂 and as far as i know 🙂 Naim + Proac is a great match

David, what happened with the atc/naim test 🙂

What I dont like in Naim, is that they use different interconnects.. seperate hicap/flatcap, Naim cabling (costing 100`s) and other stuff.,You end up paying more in power supplies and then the total price of a power amp/preamp and cd player! To get the most of Naim it is advisable to use DIN connectors. you`re stuck using only Naim components!!
The power supplies are optional, not completely necessary, they're there for those that want to upgrade their system to get more from it.

As for the interconnects, Naim use 5 pin DIN connections due to their better grounding, among other reasons, and use them because they feel they sound better with their own equipment than phono connections. When you buy Naim equipment, you get the interconnects you need, so no extra cost there. Naim now include standard phono connections for those that want to use their equipment with other manufacturer's equipment. Mixing and matching isn't a problem anymore!!
See if you can find a Musical Fidelity KW550 around that price. Never heard them with your desired speakers. Best integrated amp ive ever heard. Running some Eclipses on it now and it still manages to surprise me (in a good way) every time i listen. Also it will run just about any speaker you can think to buy with effortless ease. IMHO to find a amp to beat it you will have to start talking silly prices.
so , i ended up buying this little monster... (of course ProAc response D Two's are capable for even better amplifiers but...) hegel gave the proacs the air and instruments placing that i needed , while at the same time removing the mid/low muddy rubbish that sounded boomy to my ears.... highly recommended .... (also tested, naim xs, primare i30 and densen) did not have the chance to audition sugden 21 ... am happy with my choice and thank you all for your recommendations and opinions here..
indietronic:so , i ended up buying this little monster... (of course ProAc response D Two's are capable for even better amplifiers but...) hegel gave the proacs the air and instruments placing that i needed , while at the same time removing the mid/low muddy rubbish that sounded boomy to my ears.... highly recommended .... (also tested, naim xs, primare i30 and densen) did not have the chance to audition sugden 21 ... am happy with my choice and thank you all for your recommendations and opinions here..

Hi indietronic

Congratulations on your new amp. I hope you will enjoy it's performance for many years to come.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Nice looking amp. Capable of 70amps current peak, that's quite a powerstation!

indietronic:so , i ended up buying this little monster... (of course ProAc response D Two's are capable for even better amplifiers but...) hegel gave the proacs the air and instruments placing that i needed , while at the same time removing the mid/low muddy rubbish that sounded boomy to my ears....

Sounds like it's doing the job perfectly! Enjoy
indietronic: (also tested, naim xs, primare i30 and densen) did not have the chance to audition sugden 21 ... am happy with my choice and thank you all for your recommendations and opinions here..

Congrats on your amplifier choice
How do the densen, primare i30 and especially the naim xs compare to the amp you chose?
densen was very close to h1's sound, but did not get the overall impression that attracted me like hegel did (cannot express it better), primare had wonderful mids (especially female vocals) but apart from that lacked (again to my ears) the full airy sound of hegel. finally xs had the known warm sound which either you love or not, soundstage was not comparable to the other three though (especially hegel and densen)... not extended and detailed ...

let me add, again, that what impressed me more with hegel was the clear positioning of each instrument .. really impressive!


indietronic: (also tested, naim xs, primare i30 and densen) did not have the chance to audition sugden 21 ... am happy with my choice and thank you all for your recommendations and opinions here..

Congrats on your amplifier choice
How do the densen, primare i30 and especially the naim xs compare to the amp you chose?
Thanks for your answer. I`m really interested in the densen with the proac response. Do you know which model were your auditioning? was it an integrated or a pre/pow.
That`s suppose to be a good amp too the densen B-150. Do you find the hegel h1 bright/neural/warm?

I`m into hegel`s website right now. I need a preamp with an ht bypass to go with the proac response d2. I dont think they Hegel has one.
if you've got the money go for a Sugden A21 or even better Leben cs600 or even better Paravicini's EAR 869...

else go for some scandinavian.... (imo avoid primare, although they rate it with 5 stars as a perfect match to d2, i have a quite different opinion, based to ... my ears.) densen .. hegel... are very very good transistor matches for the ProAc.d Twos (ebony as an option for the d2 is a fantastic colour, a little pricier than standard but B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L)


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