yukster said:
Hey Gazzip. My amplifer is a Bryston 4BSST2. I look forward to hearing about your proposed work around
Hey Yukster,
Excellent. Firstly I am going to qualify this workaround before I begin. It works on Bryston 7BSST2's and has been sanctioned by Bryston as safe for that model (I have an email from them confirming this). It also works fine on my 28BSST2 monos. I see no reason why it will not be fine on the 4BSST2 but I would drop their technical support department a quick email to make absolutely sure that everything is connected internally in the same way.
It is a super simple workaround so sorry if you have already explored this.
1) Turn off the 4BSST2, BP26 and your AV pre-amp/receiver.
2) Connect the channel 1 & 2 pre-outputs from the BP26 as balanced XLR.
3) Connect the channel 1 & 2 pre-outputs from the AV pre-amp/reciever as single ended RCA.
You can now select the input you want in to your 4BSST2 and cosequently your front speakers in the AV setup by flicking the little switches adjacent to the inputs on the back of your 4BSST2 between balanced and single ended. Obviously this means that the rear of your 4BSST2 has to be accessible but if on the top shelf of your rack this will not be an issue.
Like I said this is a workaround which hopefully helps? This is how I bypass my Audio Research Reference 5SE in to my 28BSST2's. The ARC has an HT Bypass but I prefer to do it this way because for the ARC's HT Bypass to work it has to be switched on. A waste of valve hours you see, hence the workaround.
Other options if you cannot/will not do the above include a Beresford (Single ended) or Goldpoint (Balanced) input selector switch which basically does the same as above but in a nice box with a more easily accessible switch I used the Beresford switch with the BP26 which worked fine but introduced some low level hum so I ditched it.
Having just re-read your post I had missed the remote control requirement. The above may therefore be of no-use to you whatsoever. If it has to be remote control then you can run your pre-outs from the AV amp in to a spare pre-input on the back of your BP26. For this to work you will have to calibrate your AV amp with the volume pot on the BP26 set to a predefined position (12 O'Clock is easy) and then reset the volume pot to the same position every time you use this input as a "Bypass".