My Denon 102 dab/cd micro has started to play up but I am trying to find out if its the unit thats faulty or 1 of the speakers (Wharfedale Diamond 9.1), the left speaker just drops out and goes very quite, but the odd thing about it is that the other speaker has done the same but only a couple of times, this can be anything from a few minutes listerning to going days without a problem and all I do to get it working again is tap the woofer and its fine again, I have had the speakers apart to check the conections but all seems ok and I have rewired the speaker cable and checked the units conections which again seem fine, I don't mind getting new speakers but I just want to be sure they are the problem, does this sound more likley to be a speaker problem, I cannot see how tapping the speaker driver would make it work again if it was the unit at fault, would you all agree. Thanks .