Plasma or projector???


New member
May 4, 2008
I'm in the market for a new TV or Projector, reading the forums of late the Pioneer KRP-500A is high recomended at around £2500 on line. How would a projector & screen combo compare at this price point? A screen would be needed at around £800 that leaves £1700 for projector.

A £1700 projector (will consider secondhand) or £2500 TV. I guess TV but your thoughts please.

I would be watching Sky HD mainly. Only a few DVD's.
In my opinion, the projector/screen will walk all over the telly 😉

I have a Pioneer Kuro 43" (One of the earlier ones) which was an award winner, and which cost me about 3 grand at the time).

I also have a PLV-Z700 projector (about a grand) and a manual 9' wide retractable screen, from Sapphire (about £300), and the whole experiance on the Projector is simply amazing, while the Pioneer is just a TV (albeit a great one).

This help any? 🙂
Hi Shooter

Can I assume you already have a screen? Is it full HD or HD Ready? It might be worth looking at this thread I started specifically about people who are looking to replace their TV's with another TV. Most HD ready TV's, even though 720p (which are capable of 1080i) will be good enough for the majority of viewing. My point is that people could put that money into a projector instead and get much much more from their viewing experience. There are some excellent looking projectors around at the price point you mention, which is where the top notch projectors start, and something like the Mitsubishi HC6500 is a very good start. A good projector will also look good with SD DVD.


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