Planar Headphones - which?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2007
For some time I have been thinking about buying some Planar Magnetic headphones but, must confess, have never heard them so don't know how different or better they sound. I have a number of what I consider to be excellent headphones in Denon AH-D7000, Beyer DT-990 Pro and Shure SRH1540.

I have read a lot about the HiFiMan HE400i and HE5660 as wel as the Audeze LCD2's and Oppo's. For the setup I have, through a Burson HA-160 headphone amp and the hardware listed in my sig, are they worth the cost over and above what I have today? What are their advantages?

Ironically and just for reference, of all the cans I have I still tend to reach for the DT990's first and they are the least expensive but I find them to be an excellent headphone and always have done. The Denons and Shures are sublime in their own right but for some reason I always reach for the Beyers first. Odd. That's what is making me hesitate about a layout of c.£700 for planars.

For rock music is there a particular contender I should look at above others?

Thanks very much.
The only suggestion I can offer at this point, based on your favorite DT990, is do a lot of research, because I haven't heard any planars that have the kind of treble detail that the DT990 does. I've heard the original Alpha Dog ($600 USD), the LCD2 Fazor edition (>$1000), the Mad Dog, and a ZMF.
The best cans for rock are the Grado RS1i's. They are reknown for making rock music come to life and in your face.

I listened to Audeze and Oppo cans and I have to say none beat the Grado's for that genre.

Planars are great for classical, jazz and acoustic in my opinion of course.

For the money the Grado's will put a smile on your face and they replicate guitars amazingly well.

If i were you I would listen to planar's before you make a choice.

I own 10 headphones/I.E.M's. and my Grados are to my ears best for rock n metal.

Rock and metal - RS1i, - Best rock cans in the world and acknowledged for this on

Jazz and classical - Audeze lcd3 - I find the RS1 more realistic for guitar tone.

Pop and dance - Ultrasone Signature Pro. Good for metal too - Great bass and midrange,

For all round music purposes I love the AKG K550. Amazing value closed back phones. I tried the Fostex TH-900 and the AKG are nearly as good and you can buy them new for less than a hundred pounds.


Thanks Rich that was helpful. I have ony had experience of much lesser Grados in the SR80i and must confess that, despite contemporary opinion, I found them to be the opposite for rock music. I haven't heard the ones you mention to be honest though would dearly like to.

I have actually taken a flyer this evening on a pair of Fostex TH-500RP headphones. I would never normally do this without hearing them and have never done it before but they seem to be so universally acclaimed that, at the price, I couldn't refuse. I did consider the HiFman HE-400i but the relative build quality was offputting.

This will be my 4th pair of full sized headphones that, if the reviews are correct, should pretty much satisfy me with 2 x closed and 2 x open. I am looking forward to getting them this week.


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