Pioneer Hi Fi System Question


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello everyone

Before I ask for your expert opinions, I just want to say hello. I look forward to chatting to you all in future. 🙂

Anyway, I have a rather old Hi-Fi system which I need to ask about. It's a Pioneer DC Z-81. I don't know if that means anything to you, but it's a system which has a main amp that has vinyl, cd and radio decks coming off it. As I said, it's really old and the CD player has broke on it.

The CD player connects to the amp through your standard red and white cables (sorry, I don't know there "proper" names) and is powered by a power lead going into the amp. Not a plug! The CD desk is called a "PD Z71" 

So, I need to invest in a new CD deck but all of the ones I find are powered by a plug to the mains. Not by a lead into an amp! They all have the standard red and white wires. In a nutshell, my question is - Will a CD deck work on this system by utilising the red and white leads and being powered by the mains rather than through a lead into the amp? 

I hope everythings clear. If not, I'll try and clarify it.

tricky one, the on,ly way to find out really is hook up a (spare) dvd player to the red & white input on the back of your hi-fi, and lug the dvd player into the mains.

Put a cd in the dvd player and play it, select the cd option on your amp as you normally would to play cd's - if the sound comes through it'll work if not then it wont.

It should work its onlyt a remote power source.

Let us know how you get on.
Hi Reprezent and welcome to the forum.
I recently sold a Technics systems very similar to this so hopefully i can help.
The cd player received its power supply via a "figure 8" cable (ie. the end of the cable you plug into the cd player looks like a figure of 8 if viewed end-on) that then plugs into the back of the amp
if you buy a new cdp that also has a figure 8 connector for its power supply you will be able to connect it the same way you did the old one(assuming, that is, that the power supply from the amp to the old cdp was 230v - it will tell you what the power output is on a sticker next to where the power cable connects to the back of the amp).
if it doesnt then you will need to connect directly to the wall socket. either way you can still connect either cd player to the amp using the red and black leads (called "phono" leads by the way) .

hope this helps
Thanks a lot for your responses.

I happened to have a spare DVD player lying around so I gave that a go. Works an absolute dream!

That's £20 saved. Thanks so much!ÿ