aliEnRIK:Andrew Everard:
aliEnRIK:Personally speaking. Id say the Kuro is the tv with TRUE depth of field.
Ive also found (on my Pioneer at least) that depth of field greatly increased using a 16 core braided mains cable and a decent mains conditioner (Mira and Sigmas i use)
You see, that's the point I was making. It's not possible to vary the depth of field on a TV, because a TV doesn't have depth of field (whatever many reviewers may suggest). That's down to the lens originally used to shoot whatever you're watching...
And I agree with you Andrew. What im saying the cable and conditioner do is allow for less ERRORS displaying the picture (and creating a picture more like what it SHOULD be which in turn LOOKS more 3 dimensional (Even though all its trying to do is display the pic as the maker intended)). It hasnt added anything, just taken a lot of the original errors away in the process
I think you're confusing
depth of field with picture quality. If a scene in a film has limited depth of field (e.g. something close to the camera is in focus, but the background is out of focus), then it cannot be increased no matter how good the TV, cables etc (although apparently Pioneer have some new processing system that could, allegedly, do something along those lines - not sure where/if that will end up now)!
Anyone wanting more information should look