Hi Gregory, I too have just recently started playing again after a looooong lay off. I`m afraid I tend to play for a while, with huge enthusiasm, then stop for weeks, months or even years. I was reading an article on the net the other day about how much one should practice depending on how good they want to get. You know, and I don`t know if you`re the same, it`s taken many years for it to sink in just how much effort and dedication is needed in order to get good, not just at playing the guitar, but to do anything well. It`s the old nature versus nuture argument again. I think alot of the misconceptions that people have about the time it takes to learn to do something well, is down to the fact that we all watch and listen to people who are in the business of making things look easy. I mean, what we don`t see or hear are the hours and hours and months and years of practice that our favourite and most admired performers have put into honing their skills. Also, the 'born to play' label does`nt help. I`ve been having the argument/discussion with my father lately, about whether anyone is 'born' to do something or do they get to be a 'genius' after years of extreme dedication. Jimmy Hendrix`s manager once said that Jimmy used to take his guitar with him when he went to the loo. Anyway, I`m just rambling here now, and this is a hifi forum, so prob not the place to going into these things. What I`m trying to say is - keep practicing. # I got my first real six string, bought it at the five and dime, played it till my fingers bled...#