Panasonic TX32LZD85 v Sony KDL32W4000


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Aug 10, 2019
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I recently bought a PS3 but only have a 12 inch CRT to play it on, so am looking for the best TV to get the most out of the PS3 in terms of games and watching Blu-ray films/DVDs. I'll also be using it to watch tv but only in SD as unfortunately I don't have SKY HD or Freesat. So many abbreviations nowadays!

Does anyone know which out of the Sony and Panasonic is best for the above needs? I hear a new W4500 is coming out soon but it looks like that range starts at 40" which is too big. I could stretch to a 37" (Pana TX37LZD85) but would this larger screen result in much worse SD viewing (from a distance of 2.5-3m)? Basically I have a max budget of £700 for it and these three seem to be the best options...unless anyone knows otherwise?

Any help is much welcome. Thanks.


Was it something I said? Well anyway after many shop visits and sleepless nights, I decided that 37" was the way forward and have been searching for the elusive Panasonic TX37LZD85 but the only shops that have it (don't want to buy from a website) are charging a small fortune when combined with a 5 year warranty. Richer Sounds are doing it for £700 but don't have any in stock so I now have a TX37LZD80 on order.

The only difference between the two besides the price is the 80 is 50hz and the 85 is 100hz scanning. My long winded question is there a noticeable difference between 50hz and 100hz, so should I wait for the LZD85 or will the LZD80 do just as fine a job?



Firstly, any reason you've ruled out the PX80? It's the best 37" for
SD viewing and movie viewing IMO and it's great for gaming too.

if a 5 year warranty is important to you I'd suggest you try and get a
pricematch at John Lewis against somewhere like Richer Sounds or Sound
and Vision.


If you're now looking at 37" panels, check out the Panny 37PX80. 100Hz processor. HD Ready, but I'm not sure 1080 makes much difference on smaller screens, unless you sit on top of it. Around £570.

Best Buy 37" on this site.



Firstly, any reason you've ruled out the PX80? It's the best 37" for SD viewing and movie viewing IMO and it's great for gaming too.Secondly, if a 5 year warranty is important to you I'd suggest you try and get a pricematch at John Lewis against somewhere like Richer Sounds or Sound and Vision.Unfortunately, John Lewis no longer stock the PX80 (might be some left at some stores, but no central stock now)


Thanks for replying guys. I've heard many good things about the PX80 but also many bad things about image burn/retention on plasmas. This may be more likely on older models but it's not something that I'd want to risk when playing games (like with a health icon, etc permanently on display), plus issues of costly regassing, amount of power used. It's also been said that 37" is the optimum size for LCD.

Unfortunatley John Lewis only price match shops and if they have the item in stock, and Richer Sounds (the cheapest seller) have run out of LZD85s and don't know when they'll get any more in, but they do have the LZD80.


Hmmm, the regassing myth again. It's all a load of testicles.

There are loads of gamers who use plasma, and the PX80 uses a little more electricity than an LCD (1080 panels use more), but we're talking of a few pence a week.

I'll be watching Sky Sports over the weekend, many hours of sport with static scores, running ticker tapes on SKY news, etc.... PX handles it all with no problems.

Still, your money, your choice.


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