Panasonic TX-P46G15B

I don't think it is availble yet but if you google there is review on another site. Very similar performance to G10 model. G15 has a few extra features, one extra HDMI, slightly slimmer and better sound. But picture performance is the same as G10.
We have them in store - they were released just last week - and as Staggerlee says preformance wise they are as the G10. The main thing is the depth, there is no 46" V10 so if you want a slim 46" set from Panasonic it is the G15 or the ultra slim Z1.

Excellant, they are in store now. I always find it frsutrating to read the reviews and then find the item will not be in stock for along time. Now need to find the 50V10 ?
staggerlee:. Now need to find the 50V10 ?

That may be a harder task! We are still to see our 50V10's although 42" models are in the market place. This model will be in short supply for the next few months or so but should filter through in the next two weeks.


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