Panasonic TX-LZD800 More problems - anyone else?


New member
Feb 23, 2009

Having tried various Sky HD boxes, I now have the following problems with picture:-

Line along the bottom of the screen with SD

Black and white lines along top of screen with SD

Some motion blurring at the bottom of the screen

Varying black borders down the sides of the picture

Also, when we were watching a normal DVD in the Panasonic blue ray player, when it came to a dark scene, there seemed to be a feint green glow in each of the bottom corners.......

Sometimes voice out of synchronisation when watching certain channels......

Anyone else have this TV and having similar problems?

We initially thought TV had excellent HD picture quality and sound, but we're now just fed up with all the other niggling things. It's a lot of money to pay, to feel this dissatisfied. We thought buying a top of the range TV would avoid all of these problems. We decided against a Sony specifically to avoid clouding issues, and instead, it now seems we have a catalogue of other issues with a Panasonic.....

In the 'Setup' menu, is overscan on or off? Voice synchronisation is a fault of the Sky box and not the tv. What picture settings are you using? What cable are you using to connect the Blu-ray player to the tv?
Hi, i dont have the same tv, but a Pan TX 37 LDZ85.....and im very unhappy with pics from Pan blu ray player...... with 24p on tv set to "on" , the motion blurring is terrible, and when 24p switched off, it does not look as though your watching a HD blu ray just looks like normal dvd. And i am also having sound issues with my Pace Sky HD box,,,,, when watching certain HD channels, and Sky anyime, the sound is not in Synch with the pics.

Thanks for replies.

Alsina, I think the main thing I'm concerned with is whether this is 'normal'. According to the Sky engineer, he's fitting Sky HD boxes all the time and he said Sony's, LG's etc do not have picture overscan on. Is this just common to Panasonics?

Picture overscan is switched off mainly because the picture seems too magnified when it is switched on, and what I don't understand is why should it be necessary to keep it switched on
? If the TV is meant to be for SD too, shouldn't it be capable of handling SD picture signal without having to keep it switched on?

We have it set to cinema for the picture settings, colour manangement is switched off and picture noise reduction is on medium.

We are using QED Performance HDMI as we were advised this is a good cable to use.

Stevetyper, sorry to hear you're having issues with your LZD85, but we don't have a problem when we watch a blue ray disc, the picture is in fact excellent in HD, it was just when we watched an ordinary DVD we noticed during a dark scene a green glow from each of the bottom corners.

The Sky engineer is very wrong. A tv will come out of the box with overscan switched on and this is the 'normal' setting for a tv. With the Panasonic you have the ability to turn overscan off, but you may then have 'noise' around the edge of the picture. If you search for 'overscan' on Wikipedia it will give you more detail on the subject.

In that respect then, should the ability to turn overscan off be viewed as a benefit? (as opposed to being an irritation
) Does this mean that TV's that don't have this option, are automatically set to overscan?

I've looked at picture overscan on wikipedia along with re-reading posts from beaverme and it is making more sense......

Do our picture settings/cables seem okay?

It would have been helpful of Panasonic if picture overscan had been explained during the demonstration in store
prior to purchasing this TV, as I hadn't heard of it before. I just need to sort out the feint green glow....


The ability to turn overscan off is a benefit that not all tv's have. It is not really useful for SD programs, but if a program is 1080 or you are watching a Blu-ray disc, then being able to turn overscan off will generally give a sharper picture and let you see all of the picture.

As regards picture settings, I would try setting the picture 'mode' to 'normal' and reset the settings which is the bottom option in the menu and see if the glow at the bottom of the screen changes. Try this again in 'cinema' and see again if the glow is improved. This glow is backlight bleed which you will get on most LCD screens, but if it's too bad, then it could be cause for a replacement. Try playing around with the picture settings in both the tv and the Sky box before you come to any conclusions though.
I'll have a play around with the picture settings and see what happens.


Hi alsina,

I played around with the picture settings but unfortunately it didn't help. I organised for the the Panasonic shop to send someone to have a look at the TV yesterday and it seems it is faulty afterall.

They will try and source another one and replace it, although it might be difficult as our TV was one of the last batch. Failing that, they will replace it with an equivalent model from the new range - I think they said a V10.

Thanks to everyone for their input

Just bear in mind that although the V10 has more bells and whistles and the picture quality will no doubt be great, the sound quality on the V10 is not up to the standard of the LZD800.
That's interesting, because the one thing I specifically asked about was whether the sound quality would be the same as the LZD800and the Panasonic person said yes, it would be exactly the you know what the difference is, because I noticed from looking at a brief description, that the V10 doesn't look as wide at the sides indicating the speaker location is obviously somewhere else? Does that mean the V10 has cone speakers as opposed to a separate tweeter thingy?

Spot on. The speakers in the new 37" V10 are smaller than those in Panasonic's current 26" set (and there are only 2 as opposed to the LZD800's 4), so sound will at best come close to the current 37LZD80 but will be miles behind the LZD800.
That doesn't sound so good then. We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed that they can source another LZD800......failing that, the only other option would be to buy a surround sound system....

How odd though, that Panasonic's new top of the range 37" TV would have an inferior speaker system? It doesn't seem to make sense somehow.....although, I don't personally know of any other LCD that has a good sound either....
I'd bite their hand off, if I were you. The V10 is pretty much guaranteed to be a brilliant TV. It looks fantastic when it's switched off too, judging by the photos.
I'll keep you posted as to which option we're offered - if it is the V10, from what I've read, I'm sure the picture quality will be excellent too and if the sound quality is not as good, we'll have to look into getting a surround system......


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