Panasonic TH-37PX80B and hdmi advice please


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi Guys

Ive just purchased the above TV (pretty excited I am too!) and could do with some advice about hdmi cabeling.

Am I right in thinking that I dont need a hdmi cable to connect to my sky box sd as a scart will be fine for this?

Do I need a hdmi cable to connect to my dvd player (non upscaling)?

I think I am right in thinking I will need hdmi cable to connect to my ps3 as this is blue ray?

Also any recomendations on middle of the road hdmi cables or is it worth just getting a budget cable?

Any advice would be grately appreciated!



Well-known member
Sep 24, 2007
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Hi, if you're using a Sky+ box then it doesn't have an HDMI connection so decent scart will be fine.

If your dvd player doesn't upsacle then it's unlikely it'll have an hdmi socket either.


Hi. How much did you spend on your telly? How about your PS3? Stand? Now, I'm not a snob who says you should always buy the most expensive gear, but when it comes to leads, my thoughts are always :- why spend lots of money on equipment just to buy a cheapo lead (which, let's face it, is the one single connection to the display) which is made cheaply to perform cheaply? My TV was £630 (not too bad), PS3 £300, stand £95. I then bought a QED HDMI-SR lead for £72 - not to brag to people, but to ensure I was confident that I'd got the best connection to allow my equipment to shine. I know there will be people who will reply to this with the"All cables are the same" view and if that's what they think, that's fine for them, but for the price of a good lead compared to the cost of your gear, it seems pointless to buy cheap.


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