Panasonic PZ800

Hi there,

i saw one in Selfridges in London last weekend. tag was something £1600.
To be perfectly honest, it looked great though i wouldn t bother to shred the extra pounds....

Are you sure it wasn't the PZ80 or 85?

As far as I know the 800 isn't available yet
Mate, trust me there. Am trying to figure out which Pana to get meself. There s a huge (optical) deifference between those 3 models. It was defo the 800, full glass front. I still go for either the 80 as ICD seems to be not worth the extra shekels.
Ring em. It was in the electronics and gadgets area lower ground floor close to the kitchen stuff..

Have a look, CHeers Fel
They are definitely out now, my local Panasonic store has them in stock, just spoken to them and picking mine up on Saturday.
[quote user="FLXDublin"]Mate, trust me there. Am trying to figure out which Pana to get meself. There s a huge (optical) deifference between those 3 models. It was defo the 800, full glass front. I still go for either the 80 as ICD seems to be not worth the extra shekels.
Ring em. It was in the electronics and gadgets area lower ground floor close to the kitchen stuff..

Have a look, CHeers Fel[/quote]

Cool, thanks!

Just found one online for £1359
[quote user="Widdle"]
They are definitely out now, my local Panasonic store has them in stock, just spoken to them and picking mine up on Saturday.


Widdle what are you getting yours for? Are you getting the 5 year warranty

I am in the same boat I have put a deposit down for a 46PZ85 and then started thinking about the 50pz800 (my understanding is there will not be a 46" version) - I can swop but is there any point as when I look at the specs it appears apart from sound and aesthetics (which do not bother me having an amp etc) the only difference will be the presence of digital cinema colour and deep colour (10 bit) - does anyone know what difference this will make as having looked at the 46PZ85 it seems fantastic not to mention I am concerned about having to go for a 50" when I felt 46" was as far as I wanted to push it?

Sorry lots of questions but its about the first thread I have found about the 50PZ800.
[quote user="dieselpower"][quote user="Widdle"]

They are definitely out now, my local Panasonic store has them in stock, just spoken to them and picking mine up on Saturday.


Widdle what are you getting yours for? Are you getting the 5 year warranty


They're quoting £1,599 retail price but I've said i can get for £1400 delivered on line so they said to come in on sat and they'll match. Yes, getting the 5 year guarantee.
Good, let me know what the quality is like once you have it set up.
Saw one again yesterday, setup on HDMI with GhostRider BluRay, the Sony unit (40W4000) just next to it and i have to say it looked a stunner on both would as they re priced nearly evenlish.... still sleak design back and forth, PZ85 and 80 are same besides the 80 got no ICR or whatever its named. The sony is just a 50hz. If u like footy and rugby like me i would go for the 800 or one of the smaller siblings as picture looked pretty much the same. Still the sony looked blo++y good too....and didn t see blurs in fast scenes..

Slan Fel
Damn I hope there good I just ordered a 42 pz800 from Pana 🙂

Will post pics when I get it.
Saw in the Panasonic shop today when I popped in to pay for mine (not delivered until next Monday). Aesthetically looks ok but wasn't bowled over I'm sad to say.

PS Dear Panasonic shops, don't sell wall mounts for £100 that retail everywhere else for £45 it annoys your customers.....
Yikes, are you regretting ordering yours then ?

I hope the picture quality will make up for it. out of interest how much did you pay for yours?
Hi, no I dont regret at all as wanted to go for the single sheet front. The tv was one of many on display and in its defence was prob suffering from shared signal feed. First impression when I saw it was 'oh, thought would look better than that'. Did have an active three year old with me though so couldnt give it the full attention it prob needed.

I paid £1,400 inc delivery and five year guarantee haggled down from £1,599 RRP and £35 delivery charge.
phew, Sounds like your getting it for a reasonable price which is good.

I hope you get yours soon, and you have something good to feed it with.

Currently the order status it tells me is "on hold" so I've no idea when its going to arrive 🙁

let us know your thoughts on it when you get it 😉
Finally got it put on the wall last weekend, fed with Sky HD, PS3 and Onkyo 606. Top marks all round apart from silver foil bit just above Panasonic logo - cheapens the unit somewhat.
Hi I have noticed the silver bit as well it is terribly tacky I will agree, however in a dark room with a good movie on I cant say ive noticed it much.

other than that top marks all round.

even quite impressed with the audio, still want to get a full blown surround sound but until I get some more free monies it will have to wait.


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