panasonic plasma and harmony 555


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Ive been playing around with my new harmony remote and it works great for everything apart from my tv. When i use the normal tv remote to turn the TV on it takes a about a second or so to actually power up (the red stand by light flashes, and i have to hold my finger on the button untill it goes green and the set turns on). The model is a pz82 (same as an 80 i think). Does anyone else find this with their set?

The harmony remote doesnt seem to send the signal to the tv for long enough (the standby buttonn flashes a couple of times and thats it, therefore not sending the signal for long enough for it to fire up). I have a call out and am waiting a call back from logitec but wondered if anyone else had the same issues and how they got round it? Its a new remote and i dont want to start launching it out of frustration!

Its quite annoying that the plasma wont just start up like everything else! It turns off no problem at all!!

yours, frustrated of brighton
If you TV is anything like either of mine then you need to have had it switched on in standby for up to 5 mins before pressing the start key on the remote briefly will actually fire the telly up.

If you power up the TV using it's power button the red led comes on almost immediatly but if you use the remote at this time you'll find the TV is not actually ready to switch on. Hence you keep you finger on the remote for a few seconds and eventually it starts

If you power up and wait a while then a brief press on the remote on/off key will start the telly and the led will turn green and blink 2-3 times.

At least that how mine do it.
Same issue with my Panny, the solution is to go into the settings of the device and increase the timeout on the device you've set up for the TV. I would go through it and tell you exactly how to do it but I'm getting an mscrolib error '80004005' when I try and open the software at the moment...
Thanks guys i will have a play round with it.

Are you still getting the error up on yours prof??

have gone through and addedd a further action for the tv but it doesnt seem to be actually carrying out the additional action which is turn on and send the infrared signal for 5 seconds.

This is starting to wind me up......
Have actually sussed it now but sods law would have it that now when i go to update the remote with what i know will work it is not letting me update and gives me this "This problem must be resoved before you can update the remot" and then "java Error--Context: ConfiguratorName=TV -- 1 Paramters: java.lang.NullPointerException"

Ummmm, yeah because i know what that means!!!
Sorry mate, had a busy few days. Okay, here's what I did to fix the issue:
1. Go into Devices in the Harmony software and then click Settings on the device setup for your Panasonic TV.
2. Choose the Troubleshoot option on the next page and click Next.
3. Choose the <Device Name> responds to some commands either too many times or only occasionally where <Device Name> is the name you gave for your Panasonic TV and click Next.
4. On the next screen, up the figure to increase the time the remote IR sends the IR signals. I found I had to increase mine to 5 to get it working consistently, but I'd just increment by one and try it out and if still no good, re-run the setup and try upping it by one again etc. and click Save and then update your remote.
Thanks prof. It worked fine the first time i had tried it on 5 but as soon as i switched it back to 4 it would screw things up and i would get the java error when trying to update the remote. Eventually i edned up srewing things right up to the point where i just started a new account and went through the whole thing again. I have manage to get it all working now on 5. It needs slightly tweeking on timings between commands i reckon and once i have done that i hope it will all be a smooth process! (crosses fingers!)



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