Sorry to start a new thread i figured i'd get more response this way ! Hi basically i have upto a £1000 to spend on a comet tv through a warranty claim, the tv will come to me direct not through the shop so i have narrowed it down to these two Panasonics the P50S21 (£899)OR P42G20 (£999) i have till monday to decide. Now after a bit of reading i realise the g20 is the better spec'd tv (i wouldn't use the g20's inbuilt freesat tuner) and the s21 uses last years tech but WOULDN'T THEY BOTH represent a viewing improvement over my current panny ? Now i'd love to slap a 50" in the lounge but not if its pants ! My tv is only fed with the Foxsat HDR or Blu ray so basically just HD, i hardly ever watch freeview so with all that in mind what set is the best for me ? Im after some advice and answers to these questions 1. Could i afford to take a drop in quality and go for the 50" ? 2. Would i even notice bearing in mind my current tv ? Please give me some advice, thanks alot