panasonic bd35&divx


New member
May 20, 2008
Hi All.
Wonder if anyone could help me please. I have the pana bd35 and am trying to play divx discs but the machine refuses to recognise the disc. I have tried discs recorded on various sources but with the same result. If I put the said disc into my pc it plays straight away. I have also tried the discs on a ps3 and they play fine. Any ideas please?
I found that 3 xvid files burnt onto 1 dvd didnt play but 1 file burnt onto CD plays ok...
Thanks for that.
The discs I have tried have had single files and multi files-same result. According to the manual this machine should play the discs. they are cd-r,finalised and dvd+r. divx,avi etc. My head is hurting after 8 attempts at different formats. Why should a ps3 play them and not the bd35?? is this my machine or something a novice like me is missing?


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