Bit early for reviews as I think the TV has only just become available on the High Street. Did a quick Google search and the only results were basically articles detailing the 2011 lineup from Panasonic rather than any meaningful information on this TV. Given the success of the VT20 though it should, in theory, be at least as good as that one with the added benefit of the new technology Panasonic have bought in for their 2011 lineup. Early price rumours suggest around the £2200 mark (WHF supplement this month) so even allowing for deals etc you'll probably be expecting to pay around £2000, putting it firmly in the premium end of the market.
This is a set I'm watching with very keen interest, even though I'm not that fussed about the 3D capabilities. Since I missed out on the Pioneer Kuro range, the Panasonics seem to be some of the few sets that can match the performance of these legendary models! Given you can pick up a VT20 for around £1200 at the moment, I'm wondering whether the extra grand for the VT30 is justifiable in terms of the benefits the set has over its predecessor. Hopefully there'll be a review in the mag over the coming months.