Pana Th-37PX80B and its power lead

jon c

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2007
Anyone here tell if you can remove that clip arrangement on the power lead to be able to use something different or is the power lead they providea btter standard than say a Russ Andrews Yello lead.

rgds jon c
The lead seems to have some kind of RF suppression built into it, so I guess they want to make sure you don't just bung in any old kettle lead
I tried using a kettle power lead but after about 2 minutes there was steam coming out of the speakers and then the TV would click off.
lol bf1 that sounds real bad. I have a 42px70 and i have the same lead with a noise surpressor on. I tried replacing the lead with a russ andrews yello cable using lots of source material but i didn't see any disernable difference to the one supplied.
did you have to remove the clip arrangement on the plasma, as i couldnt get my russandrews lead to plug in, i havent had a proper look yet as im awaiting a wall mount for tv
Do you mean the 3 clips that go into the female part of the plug on the rear of the tv? If you do then no i didn't but i had to push the lead in a bit harder than usual. It fitted and worked fine though.
ok, i havent forced anything yet hehe, not sure whether i will use different power lead, as you said you havent notice any difference and its not as though its a cheapy throw away power cable.
Ok, I didnt replace it either but i am using a tacima surge conditioning block and that has improved pic and the sonics. Available for about 30 quid.
[quote user="Paulthefilmfan"]Ok, I didnt replace it either but i am using a tacima surge conditioning block and that has improved pic and the sonics. Available for about 30 quid.[/quote]

where did you get if from and how many sockets in the block?

you can get it from It is a six gang block. Got '5 star' in this mag!

Go get it fella.


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