opinions please?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Welcoming advice on Musical Fidelity M6i and Cambridge Audio 840e/w.

Pro's? Con's?

This is running into a pair of Focal 826w's through QED Revelation speaker cable with Atlas Voyager interconnects.

I have a MF M6I amp and am very happy with it. Funnily enough have been testing some speakers recently Dali Helicon 400 and 800 and focal 1028. The amp performed admirably.

The amp appears to me to be good across the sound spectrum and brought out the overly honest Focals high range. I also tried and compared the pre and power amp version - at twice the price I was left very content.

thanks for the feedback millerman.

Testing out the M6i this coming thursday. can't wait!!
I demoed the M6i and loved it. It's a fantastic sounding amp. Detailed without a hint of harshness. I thought the highs were especially good since the clarity was all there, but it remained smooth sounding. And the amp looks like a million bucks.
tested the amp today. was very impressed. now to find money to buy it =(


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