ONKYO TX-SR606 Sound Problem


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have recently received delivery of a new ONKYO TX-SR606 AMP and an unable to get sound out.

My Panasonic BD35 Blu Ray player is connected to the AMP via HDMI and then to my TV also via HDMI. I can view pictures but no sound. The trouble shooting help is next to useless. Can anyone provide any suggestions.

Also I am trying to get my surround speaker cables identified. Unfortunatly when the electrician ran the speaker cables into the walls he did not identify which cable went where. Therefore I have a bunch of cables hanging out my wall. I was going to try trial & error by connecting each cable at a time and listen out for which speaker started producing sound with my DVD player going, then connect to the correct speaker terminal but as there is no sound being produced this is impossible. My speaker system is the Kef KHT 2005.3.

Any suggestions.

Regards a very frustrated soon to be home cinema user.

Paul C
Have you got a digital multimeter?

If so then a simple continuity check will let you know which cable end is which. Once you have identified the wires then you can connect to the amp.

Good luck
Thanks for the tip. I do have a meter. presumably if I connect the ends of 1 cable set I should then get a reading at the other end of one of the cables hanging out the wall at the corners of the room. Which setting should I set my meter at?

Paul C
I cant get sound out of the TV but I can get a picture while playing the DVD player.

I am not sure if the sound is comming out of the AMP or not. Do you know how I can check this.


Paul C
I had a similar problem on saturday when i set my new 606 up i had sound but no picture 🙁

i was flapping abit as this was my first home ciema system after some detective work it was a dodgy hdmi from my amp to tv, i bought 3 brand new hdmi's from amazon turned out to be one was faulty. be sure to check that out first.

hope this helps.
Paul C:
I cant get sound out of the TV but I can get a picture while playing the DVD player.

I am not sure if the sound is comming out of the AMP or not. Do you know how I can check this.


Paul C

dont have the manual to hand but you will need to turn the HDMI audio out on. as IIRC it is off by default.

Who needs the amp on and the audio coming from the TV and not the speakers 😉
Set the meter onto continuity the one that makes the beep when you push the test leads together.

Then using a crocodile clip, clip onto one end of the wire and with the other lead touch the cables on the other end. When meter goes beep that is the other end of that cable. Mark it. One down...........and repeat............

Good luck
Thank's for all the help guy's.

I will give this a go and hopefully get things going.

Paul C
Assuming the wires are at least in pairs - ie two conductors together for each speaker - then a simple torch bulb and a battery should do the testing job just as well.
Like that one Andrew
cut price engineering


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