Onkyo TX-SR507 Review ?

And how is that onk 607 going, Andrew?

I know it's in next weeks mag, but any clues about performance compared with the 606?

Better with 2 channel?
Andrew Everard:AFAIK we don't have a 507 yet - only a 607.

Thanks for reply.

Got it now, so the review will only (hopefully) back up my decision.
Sorry, should have said it's a pressy for my son's birthday, so won't be hearing it just yet.

Like you, I'm more interested in the 607 for myself.
I got the 507 on Friday and although I was initially pleased with it, I've discovered a rather alarming problem that may or may not be limited to my specific amp. Basically, I have hardly any bass with multi-channel PCM over HDMI.

Tested it on my BDP-S550 in bitstream mode and the TrueHD soundtracks of Spider-Man 3 and 300 have some decent punch. Switched to the PCM tracks and nothing. The bit in 300 where the Persian army marches and one of the Spartans thinks it's an earthquake is suitably bassy in TrueHD, but virtually silent in PCM.

Switched to my PS3, which is set to decode internally and output as multi-channel PCM over HDMI and both tracks lack bass. PS3 games are also affected. It could just be my amp, but it looks to me like there is a problem with multi-channel PCM over HDMI. If I switched the PS3 to bitstream instead of PCM I got plenty of bass in both films and games, but of course I lost HD audio.

I have about twenty BDs with PCM tracks, so there's no way I can put up with this on a brand new £300 amp... Of course what with it being a bank holiday I can't contact Onkyo's third-party support company in the UK. I've sent them an email, but it's really taken the shine off of my new purchase. I'm hoping it's just my amp and that a swap-out will fix things, but I can't see why only multi-channel PCM is affected. It's like the amp isn't doing any bass management with multi-channel PCM sources...
Hi Mentasm,

I ordered a SR507 which I will feed mainly multi channel PCM, no bass would be very boring for me as a problem

Have you tried different configuration ? any news from onkyo or your seller ?

I wonder if the problem is present throughout the series or if you had a defective.

thank's for answer 😉
I've spoken to a very helpful bloke called Mark at Onkyo who has said he will look into it for me, although he's just gone off on holiday so it will be a week or so. The retailer also offered to uplift and see if there's a fault, but I don't want to be without the amp. There's a definitely lack of bass on PCM soundtracks when flicking between them and the Dolby/DTS equivalents. No idea if it's just my unit or a larger problem. Don't think it's a config issue at my end because there's not a lot you can change ont he amp to make it process stuff in different ways, plus I get different results with the PS3 from a standalone, with the main difference between the two being that the PS3 decodes everything to PCM.
Hi there Mentasm is was thinking of buying the TX-SR507 for ps3 and the fautures it gives

But i have read that there were pb with the audio, did you resolve this issue yet with onkyo?

Would be to bad, it has a good price 🙂
While I realise that this is a very old thread now, I'm posting this in case someone else has the same problem with PCM and bass that I had. As it turns out, Onkyo were fairly useless when it came to helping me with this. I never received a reply from the guy who said he'd investigate, even after I sent a couple of follow-up emails (each one over a week apart, so I wasn't constantly bugging him). Anyway, after playing with every obvious setting on the amp I turned off the auto lip sync feature on my TV (God knows why I thought to do this) and the bass on PCM returned. As an experiment I reactivated it on the TV and disabled it in the amp and got the same result. So, as long as auto lip sync is disabled on one of the components all is well. Luckily I don't get any sync errors, but it can be adjusted manually anyway. Odd that the auto lip sync feature would cause these problems. All three devices (player, amp, TV) are HDMI 1.3, so you'd think it would be okay... It's also very strange that it doesn't affect any of the Dolby or DTS codecs (be they lossy or lossless). Anyway, obscure thing to cause lack of bass. I wonder if it's peculiar to Onkyo amps?
hey guys, i know this is an old thread, but i thought i would just join on to the end, rather than create another thread.

i have my ps3 hooked up to my 507,

i have the ps3 set to pcm....and i'm trying to watch transformers on bluray, my problem is...given that its set like that, should the TrueHD logo light up on the 507 to indicate that it is actually decoding the trueHD signal? or does it not matter. i can't seem to get it to light up, which has me thinking it's just coming out as boggo 5.1 rather than HD.

any help would be appreciated,

many thanks!

hey guys, i know this is an old thread, but i thought i would just join on to the end, rather than create another thread.

i have my ps3 hooked up to my 507,

i have the ps3 set to pcm....and i'm trying to watch transformers on bluray, my problem is...given that its set like that, should the TrueHD logo light up on the 507 to indicate that it is actually decoding the trueHD signal? or does it not matter. i can't seem to get it to light up, which has me thinking it's just coming out as boggo 5.1 rather than HD.

any help would be appreciated,

many thanks!

If you have the old FAT PS3 it will never light up on your amp as the PS3 cannot bitstream , but the new slim one does

That said it does decode onboard so as long as you have selected the correct audio on the disc menu you should be fine , not forgeting that the audio could come under languages for some unknown reason.

when playing a disc press audio on your remote and the format should show on your TV display

You could then switch between them to hear the difference


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