Normalising ALAC


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Mar 22, 2009
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I have a fairly large collection now in Apple Lossless, There is quite a difference in audio volume across a lot of the tracks when I randomise, If I Batch normalise the volume Levels to 100% will it affect the audio quality?

To be specific I am only talking about bringing the volume up to 100% for the music that is not already there I am NOT taking about compressing the audio to make is sound louder.

John Duncan

Well-known member
Two things.

1) IIRC it stores volume settings at a metadata level, so doesn't change the file itself - ie if you turn it off, you regain lossless quality.
2) Also IIRC it only samples a second or two of the music so can get it wildly wrong...


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Mar 22, 2009
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LOL I thought it was some software.

Are you talking about something like iTunes volume matching option, or using software to scan the file and re-adjust the volume I thought that was only way if you do it like that., I was thinking something like audio-grabber or dbpoweramp if it has normalising.


The dynamics should be unaffected if all you are changing is the gain per track, and not compressing the signal. I would normalise the tracks if they bother you, after all it's you who is listening to it.

I do not know about iTunes and ALAC, but using mp3, flac etc you can not affect the original signal in the music file, and attach a "Replay Gain" tag to the tune. (Edit) this is what JD also said above about MetaData.

I do this to my tracks, then you can either play back with "Replay Gain" or not if you are a purist that day. Look at ripping software or a music manager / player than can set and handle "Replay Gain".

(Edit) Use "Album Gain" to maintain relative levels between tracks within an album. This maintains it's Integrity. Do not use "Track Gain".

If you do manually set normalisation somehow, and I'm not sure how, I wouldn't set it to 100%, because the reconstructiion of the waveform using oversampling may have peaks greater than 100% and your DAC won't like that. The 2 loudest consequitive samples may be either side of a Peak, that is then reconstructed on playback.


Thanks - N -


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Mar 22, 2009
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Think I will live with it for a bit and if some albums are particularly quiet, do a bit of experimenting with volume levelling see what happens.


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Aug 19, 2010
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I decided just to live with it, after all, CDs are not at the same level either.

I have found the automatic sound levelling to affect the sound quality.