Nordost vs QED Evolution XT Cable for Sonus Faber/Cyrus System


New member
Feb 15, 2009
Hello there,

I recently upgraded to Cyrus's Mono-X 200 from the 8-power and i'm blown away with the performance change (albeit after 3 weeks of break-in for the amps) and am thinking if i can get more dynamics and bass punch from my sonus faber domus speakers (which tend to be a little soft with rock music but brilliant on acoustic/vocal).

I'm currently running QED Evolution XT speaker cables and wanted to get feedback on what can i expect if i change to nordost blue-heaven or nordost flat-line? Does anyone have any suggestions on this setup?

I'm currently running cyrus interconnects so those are also on the cards for an upgrade--any suggestions on those or leave it as they are?

Hello there,

I recently upgraded to Cyrus's Mono-X 200 from the 8-power and i'm blown away with the performance change (albeit after 3 weeks of break-in for the amps) and am thinking if i can get more dynamics and bass punch from my sonus faber domus speakers (which tend to be a little soft with rock music but brilliant on acoustic/vocal).

I'm currently running QED Evolution XT speaker cables and wanted to get feedback on what can i expect if i change to nordost blue-heaven or nordost flat-line? Does anyone have any suggestions on this setup?

I'm currently running cyrus interconnects so those are also on the cards for an upgrade--any suggestions on those or leave it as they are?


Hi yasirk

What other components are you using please?

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Cyrus CD8X+PSXR, PreVS2 and 2xMono-x200 connected to a PS Audio Juicebar. I think i covered the speakers/cable in my earlier post...

I mostly listen to classic rock/rock and jazz/acoustic ...appreciate the help!



Cyrus CD8X+PSXR, PreVS2 and 2xMono-x200 connected to a PS Audio Juicebar. I think i covered the speakers/cable in my earlier post...

I mostly listen to classic rock/rock and jazz/acoustic ...appreciate the help!



Hi yasirk

Changing your cables is imo a side step so i'll suggest you save your money as in the first instance i genuinely feel you need to consider changing the pre amplifier. Ime Cyrus pre amps are not up to getting the best performance from their power amplifiers in particular. As an example the discontinued Rotel's RC-995 with its easier loading for source components and robust output stages can firmly grip/drive Cyrus power amps far more effectively and also happily bounce them around the room. This results in a far more potent and smoother presentation together with greater resolution, depth, scale, dynamics, drive, resolution and control.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Jumping in here if I may, @Rick, which other preamps would you recommend for Cyrus Power (X, as in my sig)? A quick scan on ebay hasn't turned up the Rotel you mention. I bought my PreXPd Qx used in December, was going to ask on this forum about alternative preamps at the time but didn't bother, wish I had now! Thanks.
Thanks for the feedback rick, i've been considering upgrading the pre to a DAC-X or any other DAC from another manufacurer as i'd like to start building a digital solution to the system. Any specific feedback on the cables though since cables sound to me a shorter term solution before i start dishing out $ for a new preamp.
Hello there,

I recently upgraded to Cyrus's Mono-X 200 from the 8-power and i'm blown away with the performance change (albeit after 3 weeks of break-in for the amps) and am thinking if i can get more dynamics and bass punch from my sonus faber domus speakers (which tend to be a little soft with rock music but brilliant on acoustic/vocal).

I'm currently running QED Evolution XT speaker cables and wanted to get feedback on what can i expect if i change to nordost blue-heaven or nordost flat-line? Does anyone have any suggestions on this setup?

I'm currently running cyrus interconnects so those are also on the cards for an upgrade--any suggestions on those or leave it as they are?


Dynamics and bass. Chord Odyssey or better still Chord Epic.
@yasirk: Have you never read Rick's standard recommendation for speaker cable? He recommends standard 79-strand OFC (or higher), fair play to him. I imagine he will say the same to you, in fact he's presumably given you advice about preamp to save him having to repeat himself once again.
datay:@yasirk: Have you never read Rick's standard recommendation for speaker cable? He recommends standard 79-strand OFC (or higher), fair play to him. I imagine he will say the same to you, in fact he's presumably given you advice about preamp to save him having to repeat himself once again.

It doesn't mean he's right though does it?
@datay and @rick, my question is specific to the nordost cable though i welcome other suggestions. Any experience with the cyrus setup and nordost? appreciate any input there.
I've not heard the Nordost cables myself, but I have read reports on here from Nordost owners, that say they have a leaner than neutral sound.

Sounds like the opposite effect to what you're after.

You're best off having a listen for yourself.
Considering the cyrus & sonus faber have a tendency towards lean (IME), I would avoid nordost altogether. I have the Cremona with nordost valhalla (which is the least thin sounding of the range) but it's still a little on the lean side. However the focus, energy, dynamics and resolution is fantastic with nordost. You should consider some warmer and fuller sounding cables
@peteAllen: thanks for the tip there; would chord elite as suggested by others be a better fit if you know about that?

I'm based in UAE and some we dont have dealers in chord/nordost here hence i can't audition.
peteAllen:Considering the cyrus & sonus faber have a tendency towards lean (IME), I would avoid nordost altogether. I have the Cremona with nordost valhalla (which is the least thin sounding of the range) but it's still a little on the lean side. However the focus, energy, dynamics and resolution is fantastic with nordost. You should consider some warmer and fuller sounding cablesThe Cyrus may have a tendency towards lean but the Sonus Fabers certainly don't .

Having tried multiple cables with my setup, I can honestly say Rick is correct. A change of power amp or preamp will do the trick.
yasirk:Thanks for the feedback rick, i've been considering upgrading the pre to a DAC-X or any other DAC from another manufacurer as i'd like to start building a digital solution to the system. Any specific feedback on the cables though since cables sound to me a shorter term solution before i start dishing out $ for a new preamp.

Hi yasirk

I meant you need to look at alternative pre amps other then Cyrus pre amps whether stand alone, built into their integrated amplifiers or DAC's. Rather then spending money on more costly cables i'll still suggest you save your money and instead put the funds towards a potent pre amp which will make a world of difference to your mono blocs/system.

In my previous post i said by changing your existing cables for ones which cost more will be a side step. On the cable front if you want to move forward then i feel you need to take a step back. For speaker cables i'll recommend standard ones between 79 - 500 strands of OFC and secondly for an interconnect using a standard pair.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
So, any other recommended preamps to match Cyrus then Rick? I'm intending to get another X Power at some point and run in mono, will keep an eye out for the Rotel you mentioned but am interested in other suitable matches (and as above, rather wish I'd asked the question a couple of months ago).

To yasirk, there is no point in changing the Cyrus interconnects, so perhaps look at DNM speaker cable (I think those are the initals), as its similarly solid core, and very well regarded (the company may even make the interconnects/speaker cable for Cyrus I think). Just google them.
You could try Kimber Kable have seen them used lots of times at shows with Cyrus kit. Try 8TC or above.
So, any other recommended preamps to match Cyrus then Rick? I'm intending to get another X Power at some point and run in mono, will keep an eye out for the Rotel you mentioned but am interested in other suitable matches (and as above, rather wish I'd asked the question a couple of months ago).

To yasirk, there is no point in changing the Cyrus interconnects, so perhaps look at DNM speaker cable (I think those are the initals), as its similarly solid core, and very well regarded (the company may even make the interconnects/speaker cable for Cyrus I think). Just google them.

Hi datay

I am sorry for my late reply.

Other then the RC995, pre amplifiers such as the NAD C160 and Rotel's RC1090 are also worth serious consideration. From these three the RC1090 in particularly worth keeping an eye out for

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Thanks Rick. I still own the integrated NAD C350 (in a second system), cracking integrated amp that I believe punched well above its weight, the C160 looks like it dates from a similar era. I've also owned at least one Rotel amp in the past (...early 90s..? Memory fails
). Will keep an eye out for them used and how much they're going for. Cheers for the suggestions.


Just adding an edit to this: seen the RC1070 available very cheaply, is that worht a punt? And what about the current range of Rotel preamps? Cheers.

I have used QED speaker cables and found them a little bright and lacking some bottom end. I too recommend kimber 4tc or 8tc, very balanced tonally with a nice bottom end with good soundstaging. I have tried various speaker cables (QED, Chord, iXOS, Supra, Kimber etc) and found the Kimber the most balanced on my system.

I use some Nordost BH interconnects and they tend to be fast, tight bottom, fairly lean and very detailed and open - on the right system great. Kimber have a warmer and richer fuller sound.


Thanks Rick. I still own the integrated NAD C350 (in a second system), cracking integrated amp that I believe punched well above its weight, the C160 looks like it dates from a similar era. I've also owned at least one Rotel amp in the past (...early 90s..? Memory fails
). Will keep an eye out for them used and how much they're going for. Cheers for the suggestions.


Just adding an edit to this: seen the RC1070 available very cheaply, is that worht a punt? And what about the current range of Rotel preamps? Cheers.

Hi datay

Your welcome.

The NAD C350 is indeed a cracking amplifier and like many NAD components it can punch well above its weight. I believe the C160 was launched around ten years ago.

Btw, the RC1070 is good however i would give it a miss. The two Rotel pre amplifiers you really need to keep an eye out for are the RC995 or better still the RC1090.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Rotels are good, but if you actually want a big improvement in sound try a Croft pre amp.

Re speaker cable, I'd say anything but QED, Nordost Flatline is great, it is not bright at all, but neutral, but on todays harsh sounds

solid state equipment it can sound bright because it lets "the truth through"

I use Townshend Isolda which is amazing but the wrong budget for your kit.
I have been using Nordost Red Dawn Rev II to feed Sonus Faber Concertos from my Copland CSA 28 integrated amplifier for some years now. The Red dawn blew the cheaper Blue Heaven (and a wide variety of other options priced at similar levels to both BH and RD) away on direct home comparison when we were demoing different options. They seem to bring out the very best in the SFs which can sound a little too laid back with some material. Now the balance is simply exceptional and I can listen all night.


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