Noisy Sony S570


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm now on my second S570 after returning the first due it being a little too noisy during playback. The issue I have is its more of a high pitched whirring sound which is really clear during quiet scenes, and a bit annoying into the bargain. If anything the second player is worse. Have any other owners experienced this, I mean is this normal and I just need to put up with it? While on the subject of the S570, should the player display the icons for iplayer, lovefilm etc? All I have is greyed out boxes though they do work. Many thanks
Got the same on my BDP-370 and its normal.

Cant see how its normal though , but only happens on blu-ray not dvd.

I dont want to return as got it for 80.00 in costco, and would not be able to find anything with the same performance for the price.
There were reports of this when the S370 first came out....most people on here returned them and got a replacement one.....

I was luckier, as mine was 'whisper quiet' from day one......
So do you think it's worth sending this one back for a replacement? And is the greyed out icons normal?
So every machine is noisy then? Pistol Pete your's must be worth a fortune then
I think the whine is the player's internal fan. If you have the 570 on quick-start-up mode, try turning this function off. It takes a few seconds longer to load a disc, but I found this eliminated the whining on my 370. I think the 2010 range of Sony BDPs all whine a little.

That said, when my 370 does whine, it's less noisy than the PS3 during Blu Ray playback.
No noticable noise from my 570 and I have it in quick start mode. I don't think that any noticable noise is normal. Get a replacement.
Mine is not all the time, its on and off, and I have quick start off and tried it on as well, but still can whine.

I might try for an exchange and see what happens, costco are quite good, but need to find receipt.
And is having grey icons for bbc iplayer etc normal or should the logos be displayed?
Hows yours connected to the net? Mines WiFi and all icons are in colour pictures. Have you updated your internet content? I think its an option in Networking.
Ah, the quintisentially British pigeon. Your experience sounds similar to mine -- the machine makes a little noise, but not enough to spoil the viewing experience.
Jase Brown:

Hows yours connected to the net? Mines WiFi and all icons are in colour pictures. Have you updated your internet content? I think its an option in Networking.

Have had this connected both wired and wirelessly but same issue. Went to the Sony centre at lunchtime to enquire about this but was told they'd never heard of this problem before. Very strange...
I got a new S570 last week.

Was very worried when i first turned it on due to the noise. But it was gone after the initial boot up and hasn't made any undue sounds ever since. And it's had some pretty decent usage over the last week with Blu Rays and I-Player (using wireless connection).
Is anyone going to help Dave re the greyed out icons? I've only got the 350, and dont have the luxury of icons


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