Hmmm. That's a very poor show.
No, it's not a poor show, it's pure business.
It may have come to your attention that the industry is (only just) limping out of a horrific recession, and the hi-fi market was as badly hit as other sectors.
Therefore we're not publishing an Ultimate Guide to Hi-fi this Spring - there's just not the level of extra advertising to support it right now, to the extent a publication of its size/quality/reach needs.
Yes, we could have still published it with fewer ads, but we'd have had to charge a LOT more for it - and we didn't think you lovely magazine buyers would appreciate that!
It's obviously a different case in other areas we cover - eg TVs and newer tech - so we'll be publishing those as normal, plus a very special high-end guide in the summer.
I'll be writing a blog about the state of 2009 sales in the hi-fi industry very soon - we're just getting final figures and analysis - but if I tell you that the iPod dock/speaker market is now bigger than the entire hi-fi and AV separates market (including speakers and speaker packages), you get the gist.