New system using turntable


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2008
Son looking at getting a turntable, USB connectable as well as speakers and amp for approx £500. Looking at Project as main source any ideas about amp and speakers in price range.
Sure it needs to be USB? if so, then def the Project Debut USB. Otherwise, get the cheaper Debut 3 and spend more on amp and speakers.

Former - 200 quid for Project, 200 quid for Marantz PM6002, 100 quid for Mercury F1 Customs. Nice system.

Otherwise, 130 quid for Debut 3, 200 quid for Marantz, 150 for Wharfedale Diamond 9.1s, or 130 quid for Project and 350 for the Superfi NAD deal complete with bonus CD player and Tannoy Mercurys.
If you can get one, check out Goldring's GR2 P2 clone - RB250 arm, Goldring 1012GX cartridge - £165 from £270. Leaves you £335 to get the rest - £100 on the Tannoy's, £200 on the Marantz. You'll get a higher end arm, a far better cartridge (individually, they go for around £120 each respectively) and better performance.

Alternatively.....get a secondhand Technics SL1200 for about £250, Cambridge A340 amp, P540 or 640 phono amp and the Tannoys. When funds allow (as you will go over the budget a little) get a better cartridge, upgrade the mat on the Technics and you have a deck with superb build and the prospect of improving further over time - you could have a seriously good deck if you get the arm upgraded. Might not be what your boy wants, but as a project, it beats the Pro-Ject in the end!

(Sorry, couldn't resist that one!)
Secondhand Systemdek IIX or IIXE with RB 250 or 300 arm on Ebay (£80-£140). A great deck. A fabulous bargain. Arcam Alpha 9 amp with phono stage (£120). Invest in new speakers. The Mercury's are a fine recommendation.


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