New system has me speechless.

Big Chris

New member
Apr 3, 2008
The two pairs of Atlas Titans turned up today, so I've finally been able to connect up my P85 which has been sitting on the rack looking purposeful but ultimately useless.

After much faffing about due to 0.5m interconnects and a rack which only permits access from the front, I had everything connected. First test showed the P85 was doing the tweets on the left speaker and the mids on the right speaker (and the A85 doing the opposite), so after a bit of a curse and a swap of connections behind one speaker, all was well.

First up was Porcupine Tree's 'The Incident'. Straight onto 'Time Flies', my fave track.

The grin was starting already (and these I/Cs are brand new don't forget). I have got the balance of everything exactly as I wanted it! The Silver Streaks are great cables, but they do err on the side of brightness, the Titans give me everything the SSs gave me without veering into brightness, but they give me so much more! So much more punch and separation. I don't know how much is due to the new I/Cs and how much is down to the fact I'm now bi-amping with the P85, but I don't care. I love it. Only thing I could think of as a detraction was the sound of the snare drum. It sounded a little lost, but I'm hoping this will improve as the cables burn in.

After Porcupine Tree it was Opeth's 'Watershed'. After that it was Devin Townsend's masterpiece 'Terria'. Even my Wife commented on how much more lifelike Devin's voice was. It was more breathy and natural sounding, We could also make much more sense of all the odd noises throughout opening track 'Olive'. (and only 2 hours before while cursing and sweating trying to set it all up, she said "It'll all sound the same to me").

After Terria, I put on Veil Of Maya, then Animals As Leaders, then Gojira (twice), then Hacride. It hasn't stopped playing for 9 hours.[😀]

Only Gojira left me less than stoked. Don't know why really. It came across a bit sterile. Hope it'll improve as time passes. Unfortunately (for the Wife), I can't just leave the volume down and the CD on repeat (That'll work fine for the I/C between CD & A85, but not for the I/C between A85 & P85, as no signal passes when not playing at volume). I've also removed my Rothwell attenuators. I want to hear the raw components before trying the Rothwells to see if I still want to use them.

I'll leave it on '1' all night while I decide which CDs to play tomorrow.

I'm now saving for new speakers. The 602s & PV1 sound great, but I can't help thinking it could sound even better with some newer, higher quality speakers. I also now want to move to a detached house.

This is how music always sounded in my head.

Chuffed? You bet I am.[Y]
Good news fella. There's a lot to be said for this combo. Biamping the Arcams really works. You will also get used to the snare drum effect, it's greater separation and you will start to love it as you picture where the band members are in the studio.

Great news BC, they'll sounds even sweeter after 50 hours or so playing.....

Only downside I've never heard of any of those bands........i'm sure there great
i'm sure there great

I doubt that very much. I suspect a David Gray album would be a little more relaxing.
Joel, you should try Declan O'Rourke or Mick Flannery ( Irish Singer/Songwriters ) for a bit of relaxing listening.......
I'll give them a bash on Spotify. By the way I'm not suggesting I'm a David Gray fan before you get the wrong idea
Great news BC. The detached house is easily the most expensive upgrade but well worth it! I've been blasting tunes out ever since my upgrade.

I would say new, better speakers will give you another leap and you probably won't then need the PV1.
Enjoy listening to your 'new' CD collection, BC.

Arcam's kit really does seem to respond well to bi-amp'ing. (Must try to remember why exactly I'm currently home demo'ing single-wire speakers with my Arcam amp combo that can be bi-amp'ed..??)

IMHO, Arcam CDPs and amps seem to work sweetly with Spendor floorstanders - and the S6/S6e can be bi-wired...
excellent, seems you've got yourself a bargain.

re: this, "Only Gojira left me less than stoked. Don't know why really. It came across a bit sterile. Hope it'll improve as time passes." maybe that's just the recording, and you're now hearing a more accurate portrayal.
Glad you're enjoying it mate; there's nothing quite like the "this is how music should sound" feeling when it all just gels correctly. Had that with the Sansui amps since I bought them and it's a cool feeling.
6th.replicant:Enjoy listening to your 'new' CD collection, BC.
Arcam's kit really does seem to respond well to bi-amp'ing. (Must try to remember why exactly I'm currently home demo'ing single-wire speakers with my Arcam amp combo that can be bi-amp'ed..??)IMHO, Arcam CDPs and amps seem to work sweetly with Spendor floorstanders - and the S6/S6e can be bi-wired...

and Spendors will do Metal despite the naysayers. I have a theory that a smoother sounding system is best for rock and metal as most modern albums are so over processed / produced as to take the veneer off your teeth.

Glad you are enjoying your system BC - I know how you feel about needing a detached house!
6th.replicant:Enjoy listening to your 'new' CD collection, BC.
Arcam's kit really does seem to respond well to bi-amp'ing. (Must try to remember why exactly I'm currently home demo'ing single-wire speakers with my Arcam amp combo that can be bi-amp'ed..??)IMHO, Arcam CDPs and amps seem to work sweetly with Spendor floorstanders - and the S6/S6e can be bi-wired...

and Spendors will do Metal despite the naysayers. I have a theory that a smoother sounding system is best for rock and metal as most modern albums are so over processed / produced as to take the veneer off your teeth...
great to hear you're loving your new setup.
also great to see someone else who listens to Heavy Deavy!
Personally i prefer Ocean Machine and Accelerated Evolution to Terria. In fact, Ocean Machine has remained in my top 10 albums since i first heard it, and i own 300 odd albums!


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