It wasn't cheap about £1400 I think
Maybe my 3 minute assesment was a bit harsh - but it's picture quality did not have me reaching for my chequebook.I'll give it 3.5/5 for picture quality. It was a very brief viewing - but it certainly didn't do it for me.
I have been considering the Edge lit led version of the 40" model - and saw one of them at Brent Cross last week. As it was the model I was waiting for, and gave it a really long critical viewing. I dont work for Sony - and I havent got £2500 to spend on top of the
range 3D TVs + glasses, so any potential purchase will be SCRUTINIZED!!!
Pros: contrast is very good, off angle viewing is fine, sharp stills
Cons: Price (Sony's supply monopoly is counter intuitive if it isnt the most amazing TV in the world)
Artificial 'cut out' foreground egdes
Motion detail
overall 4/5 (at a push)
Sony also need to sort out the DNLA networking and apps. They are very beta.
The dealer kept insisting how great it was, and how many people had purchased them without even seeing them. Is this a good advertisement? I assume those people would have bought them regardless as IMO there is not currently a more attractive TV on the market. I
wasn't sold.
If I bought one I would have to live with the compromises.
I look forward to the What- HI-FI verdict, though I suspect they will be more forgiving than me.