New Smartphone

My old Samsung J4 Plus had been playing up for a few days. Today it finally bit the dust.

Popped into a local phone shop and purchased updated version of J4, the Samsung Galaxy A14. Nothing special but the image quality is much better. Been faffing around it most of the evening.


Well-known member
I've never had a mobile phone contract - and never will have hopefully.


(Bad enough with broadband [contracts....increasing charges mid-term by inflation plus whatever they want 🤬)

Ofcom are currently in the process of banning the CPI/RPI + x% price increases, though not before the next round of price hikes in March.

We will still see mid contract price rises, but ISPs will have to make clear the fixed cost in pounds and pence what any increase will be when take out your contract.

There are a few ISPs that don't lock you into contracts and indulge in yearly mid contract price rises, but they do tend to cost more to begin with because they obviously can't amortise connection costs over the duration of any fixed term, and they also don't indulge in the other industry scam of new customer offers, which also needs to be looked at by regulators.
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