new panasonic blueray all in one


New member
Aug 10, 2019
ive been trying to find out when the panasonic scbt100 will be available in the uk and cant seem to find any reviews or how much it will cost.does anybody have any information on it as i want to buy a AIO home cinema but will wait for this if its any good.thank you for any replies
We're still waiting on a review sample of the Panasonic SC-BT100 Blu-ray system - and I suspect retailers and other reviewers are in the same situation. Pana launched the system on June 10th, and a picture of it is on their website, but intriguingly no details yet.

What we have tested is Samsung's HTBD2 Blu-ray system - full review in our August issue, which is out today. Review should appear here online very shortly.
The Samsung is tempting. I nearly pulled out my credit card, but perhaps worth waiting to see the first few of these 'Blu-Ray' in a box solutions to see what a little competition can do for features (and price!). That and/or persuade the wife that a separates solution isn't that hard to use
The Panasonic is nice but forget about using it as a multi function AIO as it has no inputs for other equipment which if your combining an AIO seems a bit criminal.
Hi There. I bought one a few weeks ago. Sound is great, DVD is impressive as well. Paid £600 for it (RRP is ( or was) £700).

I will buy the wireless surround speakers soon but just waiting to hear from anyone on this forum about them.


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