New office - what system?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

Looks like a great forum!

I'm soon to be moving into my first purchased house after years of renting and moving around. I work from home, and see this as a good opportunity to set up a decent desk based audio set up. I will have a cellar room, dedicated as my office.

I can't afford to spend a lot on the set up at the moment, definately sub £500.

I've already ordered an Arcam Rpac because I figured that would help whatever set up I go for, and only have a standard sound card.

I need help deciding whether to go for speakers sat on the desk (small bookshelf ones would just fit), or whether to set the room up with my back against the wall so that I can have speakers set at the other side of the room. The room would be just about big enough to do this.

I have been seriously condidering the Bose Companion 3 system. But wonder if I will be dissapointed with that and if I would be better going for an amp and speakers (more like a proper hifi set up).

I listen to a wide range of music, but a lot of it is electronic. So bass is important to me, but I don't want it to be boomy or overpowering. It is also worth mentioning that I spend the majority of the day listening to radio shows from BBC iPlayer, so it is likely that the quality of the music source won't be that high, so it would be a waste to get a system that would require high quality audio files to get the most out of it.

Any advice would be appreciated!

If you want realistic sound go for the speakers that are used in studios such as the KRK Rokits, as you will then hear the sound as it was intended.

Also consider using them with a studio quality interface card, with good quality and value being provided by this manufacture

There are many others out there, but if you want the best, forget Hi Fi magazines (They are completely out of it when it comes to computer music solutions) and check out the magazines designed for studio recording.

Hope this helps

Consider Genelec 6010a or 8020a, they are excellent, have plenty stand/mounting options, vol control, you can also add a matching sub now or later.

Adam audio Artist 3 also a very good option. Check my system thread for impressions on both.
Thank you for the replies!

Very interesting, I hadn't thought anout studio monitors. I will definitely look into those!
I just read your thread AlmaataKZ, very impressive set ups! Also very interesting about the Genelecs. Would you say that they could probably do with a sub?
I have 6010a, which are very small but still sound good. of cause due to size bass is limited so a sub would hep a lot. As I use them for kitchen it is not important in my case but if you use them as the main (office) system then maybe.

If you have a pro shop near you e.g. DV247 they are very likely to have either 6010 or 8020 or both with the matching sub on demo (or can get it from another shop for you) so the best thing is to try and compare. You can try plenty of other small actives there too. I was very impressed with the sound of 8020 (with no sub) when I had a demo. Did not hear with the sub though as I was not planning to get it.

My bet you will be happy with the sound even without a sub.
Thanks. Great, I'll see if I can get a demo! Might possibly blow the budget if I added a sub, but that could always be added a later date if I felt they needed it.
The ARCAM rPAC arrived today, and I've been listening through it all afternoon.

I'm very pleased! Both through my Sennheiser HD448 headphones and an old Dennon mini system. The music seems to sound richer and has more depth.


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