new lcd tvs


New member
Aug 10, 2019
hi i am looking for some advice on buying some new tvs i am about to move and looking to buy 20" and 32" tvs have read lots of reviews but more i read the more i cant decide. I would be looking at spending about 1200 pounds on the pair.Has anybody any ideas.thanks
Hi there

Just going through old posts with no replies. Your 32" display should be fairly easy, check out the Panasonic TX-32LMD70 or the TX-32LXD700, or the Sony KDL-32D3000 or the KDL-32P3020... hopefully you see my point and that is, there is a lot of choice and we can't decide for you! Check out the latest WHF for 32" review though that can narrow down your viewing / testing options before you buy.

On the 20" set, how about the Toshiba 20W330D? Or the Sharp LC-20AD5E?
Thanks for the reply have got the latest WHF, so many to chice from was looking for the best picture quality on both tvs have got speakers so not to worried about sound. Would be watching sky tv and dvds mostly. Thanks again for your.


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